
The JSUT Collection is Japanese speech corpora connecting speech, song, and audio events. The JSUT-song corpus is a part of the JSUT Collection.

JSUT コレクションは,声・歌・音声模倣をつなげるための音声コーパスです.このJSUT-song コーパスは,JSUT コレクションの一部です.

Report (PDF)


You can download from here (0.1GB).

ここ (0.1GB) からダウンロード可能です.

(HTS-style full context label with duration)


This corpus consists of Japanese singing voice of 27 child songs in Japan. The audio data is sampled at 48kHz and recorded in our anechoic room. The singer is the same to the JSUT corpus. The total duration of the singing voice is approximately 25 minutes. Lylics and duration information are 'currently' not included in this corpus, but the singing voice is para-voice for singing voice synthesis demo of HTS ver. 2.3 that includes context labels.

このコーパスは,27曲の童謡の歌声データを含みます.音声データは48kHzでサンプリングされ,無響室で収録されました.歌声ファイルの合計の長さは,およそ25分です.歌唱者は,JSUT コーパス と同じ人です.今のところ,歌詞や時間の情報は含まれていませんが,この歌声データは,コンテキストラベルを公開している singing voice synthesis demo of HTS ver. 2.3 と同じ歌を歌っています.

Terms of use/使い方

The audio data may be used for

      • Research by academic institutions

      • Non-commercial research, including research conducted within commercial organizations

      • Personal use, including blog posts.

If you want to use for commercial purposes, please see below. Re-distribution is not permited, but you can upload a part of this corpus (e.g., ~3 audio files) in your webpage or blog. If possible, please let me know when you revealed papers, blog posts, and others. It will be very helpful to investigate contributions of this corpus.


      • アカデミック機関での研究

      • 非商用目的の研究(営利団体での研究も含む)

      • 個人での利用(ブログなどを含む)



      • Shinnosuke Takamichi (@forthshinji, University of Tokyo) / 高道 慎之介 (東京大学)

      • Naoko Tanji (University of Tokyo) / 丹治 尚子 (東京大学)

      • Hiroshi Saruwatari (University of Tokyo) / 猿渡 洋 (東京大学)

Bold is the main contributor. 太字が主な作成者です.


Refer this page.

Terms of commercial use/商用利用

We welcome your commercial use. Please contact the following email addresses.


      • Kana Nakahara (TLO of the Univ. of Tokyo) / 中原 花菜 (東大TLO)

        • nakahara [_at_mark_] todaitlo.jp

      • Shinnosuke Takamichi / 高道 慎之介

        • shinnosuke_takamichi [_at_mark_] ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Saruwatari Lab, the University of Tokyo / 東京大学 猿渡研究室: http://www.sp.ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/

JSUT corpus: https://sites.google.com/site/shinnosuketakamichi/publication/jsut

JSUT-vi corpus: https://sites.google.com/site/shinnosuketakamichi/publication/jsut-vi


A part of this work is supported by the SECOM Science and Technology Foundation.
