Prosody correction for Chinese-accented Japanese text-to-speech


高道 慎之介 (Shinnosuke Takamichi) shinnosuke_takamichi [atmark]

Abstract / 概要


This is a method for supporting Chinese students who learn Japanese. Using non-fluent Japanese speech spoken by Chinese students, we can build a text-to-speech engine that synthesizes Japanese speech more fluent than the Chinese students' speech. Because synthetic speech has the students' individuality, this system is expected to be used in personalized language learning.

Example / 音声サンプル

自然音声 (Natural speech) *

合成音声1 (Synthetic speech 1)

合成音声 2 (Synthetic speech 2)

Publication / 発表文献

  1. 関澤 太樹,高道 慎之介,猿渡 洋,"外国人留学生日本語の音声合成における話者性を保持した韻律補正," 日本音響学会2019年春季研究発表会講演論文集, 2-10-2, 2019. (in Japanese)
  2. Daiki Sekizawa, Shinnosuke Takamichi, and Hiroshi Saruwatari, "Prosody correction preserving speaker individuality for Chinese-accented Japanese HMM-based text-to-speech synthesis," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E***-D, No.*, pp.****--****, ***. 2019. (Extended Journal paper, accepted)

* UME-JRF コーパスに含まれる音声です.著作者の許諾を得て公開しております.