Gian Franco Capra

I am a soil scientist with experience in national and international soils research. My mains research interests are in soil genesis and evolution, soil rebuilding and pedotechnique, anthropogenic soils, ethnopedology and socio-cultural soil science. I hold a PhD in Soil Management and Conservation. I am currently researcher and aggregate professor in Pedology at the University of Sassari for the degree courses in Forest Science, Natural Science, Urban and Landscape Planning.

Some recent Research Projects:

"Wastewater reuse for irrigation pouproses in soil ammended with zeolitized tuffs". International project. Head of the project.

"Lake-dredged materials in pedotechnique for soil rebuilding in degraded Mediterranean areas".International project. Head of the project.

Some recent pubblication:

CAPRA G. F., TIDU S., LOVREGLIO R., CERTINI G., SALIS M., BACCIU V., GANGA A., FILZMOSER P., 2018. The impact of wildland fires on calcareous Mediterranean pedosystems (Sardinia, Italy) – An integrated multiple approach. Science of the Total Environment, 22: 93–104.

ABREU-JUNIOR C. H., FIRME L. P., MALDONADO C. A. B., DE MORAES NETO S. P., ALVES M. C., MURAOKA T., BOARETTO A. E., GAVA J. L., HE Z., NOGUEIRA T. A. R., CAPRA G. F., 2017. Fertilization using sewage sludge in unfertile tropical soils increased wood production in Eucalyptus plantations. Journal of Environmental Management, 203: 51–58.

GUERRINI I. A., CROCE C. G. G., BUENO O. C., JACON C. P. R. P., NOGUEIRA T. A. R., FERNANDEZ D. M., GANGA A., CAPRA G. F., 2017. Composted sewage sludge and steel mill slag as potential amendments for urban soils involved in afforestation programs. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 22: 93–104.

BONDI G., CAPRA G. F., MACCI C., CECCANTI B., GRILLI E., VACCA S., DURAS M. G., DESSENA M. A., MARRAS G., BUONDONNO A., MASCIANDARO G., 2016. Biochemical performance of degraded soil recovered by lake-dredged materials (LDM) as pedotechnomaterials. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 16: 1871–1888.

CAPRA G. F., GANGA A., GRILLI E., VACCA S., BUONDONNO A., 2015. A review on anthropogenic soils from a worldwide perspective.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15: 1602–1618.

BUONDONNO A., CAPRA G. F., COPPOLA E., DAZZI C., GRILLI E., ODIERNA P., RUBINO M., VACCA S., 2014. Aspects of soil phenolic matter (SPM): An explorative investigation in agricultural, agroforestry, and wood ecosystems. Geoderma 213: 235–244.

CAPRA G. F., COPPOLA E., ODIERNA P., GRILLI E., VACCA S., BUONDONNO A., 2014. Occurrence and distribution of key potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in agricultural soils: a paradigmatic case study in an area affected by illegal landfills. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 145: 169–180.

BUONDONNO A., GRILLI E., CAPRA G. F., GLORIOSO C., LANGELLA A., LEONE A. P., LEONE N., ODIERNA P., VACCA S., VIGLIOTTI R. C., 2013.Zeolitized tuffs in pedotechnique for the reclamation of abandoned quarries. A case study in the Campania region (Italy). Journal of Environmental Management, 122: 25-30.

CAPRA G. F.*, DURAS M. G., VACCA S., GRILLI E., BUONDONNO A., 2013. Issues concerning soils treated with wastewater: Pedotechnical management with zeolitized tuffs as an option for turning N and P pollutants into potential fertilizers. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 167: 22–29.

CAPRA G. F., CABULA E., GRILLI E., VACCA S., BUONDONNO A., 2012. Human-Altered and Human-Transported Soils in an Italian Industrial District. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 76: 1828-1841.

COPPOLA E., CAPRA G. F., ODIERNA P., VACCA S., BUONDONNO A., 2010 – Lead distribution as related to pedological features of soils in the Volturno River low Basin (Campania, Italy). Geoderma, 159: 342-349.

VACCA S., CAPRA G. F., COPPOLA E., RUBINO M., MADRAU S., COLELLA A., LANGELLA A., BUONDONNO A., 2009 – From andic non-allophanic to non-andic allophanic Inceptisols on alkaline basalt in Mediterranean climate. A toposequence study in the Marghine district (Sardinia, Italy). Geoderma, 151: 157–167.

Gian Franco Capra

aggregate professor in Pedology at the

University of Sassari
