Caceres IP workshop - autumn 2021 - 7-13th November

The second SYStem IP workshop had to be rescheduled to Autumn 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic issues. Despite ongoing restriction, it was attended by a large number of students from partner HEIs. Teaching and learning approaches used in the SYStem project IP workshops were:  brainstorming, lectures, fieldwork (soil data collection - photographs, feature descriptions), using SYStem application and interactions with other users (providing and receiving feedback, evaluation of other students work, badges collection, gaming activities).

 Such educational approaches encourage participating students to become autonomous professional thinkers in the field of soil genesis and classification. The workshop in Spanish Extremadura involved students in a series of practical activities designed to develop skills, ideas and confidence. The SYStem activities were a kind of ephemeral apprenticeship workplace, where despite its shortness, relationships were built and fostered, thus helping to develop soft skills of students participating. Students were instructed how to lead a scientific discussion over the soil pit and how to give valuable feedback and receive constructive criticism.

 Participants were BSc, MSc and Ph.D. students from partner HEIs.  Students feedback about IP activities were positive. Comments highlighted that students are happy to have practical field activities in international groups after a long year of distance learning and international travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They also highly evaluated practical skills developed over soil pits.

 Detailed programme of activities in July 2021 Slovenia IP workshop:

 No. of Participants includes 3 local students without financial support.

 Detailed programme of activities:

Day 1 -November 7th

Arrival to Cáceres


Day 2 – Monday, November 8th

5Opening ceremony presented by the Head of International Relationships, the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of the INTERRA Research Group and the staff of SYSTEM project at 11.00 in the Paraninfo of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.

Introductory talk to know the historical, geographical and geological contexts of Extremadura from 11.30 to 12.15 (delivered by Manuel Pulido).

7. Describing shallow soils nearby University Campus (the so-called as Cáceres Peneplain where shallow soils developed on Precambrian shales are common) from 12.30 to 16.30.

Day 3 –November 9th

Departure at 8.30 to Las Villuercas region.

Visit to the Arabic castle of Cabañas del Castillo from 10.00 to 11.00

Describing soil profiles in the chestnut tree plantation “El Pilangrón” in Navezuelas from 11.30 to 15.30

Visit to the Royal Monastery of Guadalupe (UNESCO site) from 16.30 to 17.30


Day 4 – November 10th

Departure at 8.30 to Tierra de Barros region.

Describing soil profiles in a vineyard in Arroyo de San Serván from 10.00 to 14.30

Visit to Mérida (former capital of Lusitania) from 15.00 to 18.00.


Day 5 – November 11th

Departure at 8.30 to the Defesinhas farm (dehesa).

Describing soil profiles in the Defesinhas farm from 10.30 to 15.00

Visit to Elvas (Portuguese city near Badajoz) from 15.30 to 17.30.


Day 6 – November 12th

Departure at 8.30 to the Cáceres Mountain (viewpoint).

Downscaling from the Cáceres Mountain to the Old Town from 10.00 to 11.30 combined with a journey in the time speaking about the Roman, Arabic, Jewish, Medieval and Renaissance legacy of the city.

12.00-14.00 Workshop – Report and presentation creation about soils gathered during field research (P. Charzyński, S. Czigány, A. Ganga, B. Glina, C. Kabała, Ł. Mendyk, V. Penížek, M. Pulido Fernández, E. Reintam, B. Repe, M. Świtoniak, I. Vircava, T. Novak, I. Kunchulia).

 14:00. Students’ presentation.

15:30 – 17:00. Final international exchange/discussions. Review and evaluation of workshop program and results; closing ceremony.

Day 7 – November 13th

Departure to Madrid