50. The Contest Part 1

The Contest

Having run low on his breakfast rations, Sam is at the grocery store today buying some more of his favorite cereal.

But as he prepares to check out his groceries, he is alerted to a bright and shiny new sign on the wall.

A story writing contest?! With a year's worth of delicious and nutritious oaty-oat cereal as a prize?!?

It was as if Sam had been practicing his whole life for this moment. He rushed home to begin working on the best oaty-oaty based story the world had ever seen.

He ran into the house, and he ran right through his kitchen.

And up to his dining room table.

From now on and indefinitely, this was no longer just the table.

This would be his work space.

He looked closely at the contest instructions on the back of the box.

Seems simple enough, Sam thought.

But, gasp! The contest ends in just two days!

He had better get started!

Inevitably, a skilled artist deep in his work attracts attention. What was Sam up to today?

Wow! A contest! Tubby, you should submit an entry as well.

A marvelous idea, Bingo!

And so, Tubby as well sat down to begin his own entry to the contest.

Sam had been busy! Already he had written several pages of content. Bingo, curious what Sam had decided to submit, tried to sneak a peek.

Sam did not approve!

Inspiration struck Tubby, and Bingo used the distraction to sneek another peek.

Sam did not approve!!!

So Bingo decided to leave the artist to his work.

No Bingo! Wait up, Sam is finished!

Sam was very proud of his creation and happily showed his story to his two friends. It was a really good story, he felt, and he knew they would agree.

So, giving them time to soak in each and every illustration, he flipped through his story.

An exciting tale of intrigue and suspense.

About exploration and discovery.

With surprises at every turn.

And a riveting conclusion.

He eagerly awaited their praise!

Yet... their reaction was not quite as positive as he had anticipated.

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Worse yet, Bingo suggested this story - clearly perfect already! - needed changes! Saying it was "nonsensical", and "bad", and "truly not good at all"!

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Sam, of course, disagreed strongly.

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And well, nobody could argue with Sam for too long. He was usually right.

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In fact, now that Bingo thought about it, this story was so good, that it would be a waste to send it away.

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Why not put it in a place of honor? Somewhere it will be seen by dozens, hundreds, practically three whole people every day? The refrigerator!

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What a wonderful idea, thought Sam! Only the very best media can find its home there!

But there was just one problem, countered Bingo. To place this truly wonderful, magnificent story in its place of honor, Sam would have to retire his latest masterpiece.

Sam considered it for just a moment. Was he ready to let go of this painting so soon?

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Sure, why not.

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The new masterpiece is much better.

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Meanwhile, Uncle Tubby has finished his own submission!

Everyone come along!

To the special story telling chair! And special story rug! Where only the best stories are told.

While Sam went for science fiction, Uncle Tubby has chosen a more down to earth subject for his submission.

A wholesome story about kittens.

Wow, thought Sam. This is a very good story so far!

Bingo had to agree. It was truly wholesome.

Wow! So heartwarming!




Sam suddenly no longer liked this story so much. It began to make him feel sad!

This was not a happy story at all!

Please Uncle Tubby, no more!

Sam had seen enough. Bingo, though, took a different approach. Maybe he could help Uncle Tubby to write a story with a more positive message.

But, much like his nephew, Uncle Tubby did not think there was any need for change in his perfect story! No, The Ugly Kitten was going to be the winner of this contest for sure.

So, he went out to the mailbox...

And submitted his story.

Sam and Bingo were initially concerned. They wondered what might unfold if any impressionable children were exposed to that traumatizing story?


But, they soon stopped worrying.

After all, the only way Uncle Tubby's submission would ever be selected would be if literally every other entry was lost en route.

And they both agreed that that was pretty unlikely.




Oh no...

Must do something!


Okay back on your way! Try to drive safer this time!

Yeah. That could never happen.

To be continued.