17. The Grocery Trip Part 1

Today, Sam is about to enjoy a delicious bowl of oaty-oat cereal.

It is sure to be the start of a wonderful day.

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But tragedy strikes when Sam realizes the horrible, horrible truth.

He is out of milk.

Sam simply cannot eat his oaty-oats without milk. It would be sacrilegious.

He decides that he will just have to take a walk to the grocery store to get some more before his wonderful day can begin.

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No big bother, for Sam always likes to get in a little exercise before breakfast anyway!

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It isn't too far to the grocery store.

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But once there, Sam begins to have second thoughts.

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Maybe he should find a different store...

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He stops and pauses for a moment to think about what he should do.

He does not particularly care, after all, for pig milk on his oaty-oats.

Suddenly, he finds himself distracted.

He cannot recall what he came to the store to buy in the first place.

He tries to remember.

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But soon forgets entirely when he notices that the grocery store is right next to the pet shop!

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Sam likes the pet shop...

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And just like that, Sam knew what he was going to do on this wonderful day.


to be continued...