
I became interested in autism when doing my 1,000 hour internship during my third year of graduate school. In the process I did my CapStone (final clinical project required to complete graduate school) on Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS. The adolescent boy I worked with during this process had been to a lot of therapy before seeing me. In seeing me, I used family therapy as my modality to help him and his family. I remember when my supervisor said his comprehension would not result in a success at that juncture. However, he came back the next week having utilized my suggestion and this made a big impact on how he was doing. Now more than a decade later I continue to work with mild and moderate level autistic spectrum disorders utilizing successful therapeutic interventions. I also supervise therapists, ready to answer any questions they may have about effective autism treatment.

Lastly, please know that I prefer to focus on proven, and at times unproven by logical solutions to autism, but I am an advocate for eliminating disproven methods. Example found on this page.

Sam Schaperow, MSMFT, LMFT
