Resident's Tesimonial Page

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Post-Grad Tesimonial(s) Page

Post Grads (residents/externs) may feel free to email your experiences here and we will post them with your explicit permission.

I. My time at Schaperow Psychology Center & Associates wasn't ordinary, but I would sum it up to be an extraordinary experience. I came on as a post-graduate/extern needing to obtain clinical hours towards my clinical licensure requirements. Not only was I able to complete my hours towards licensure but I gained a plethora of tools needed to built a strong private practice.

Leaving graduate school some time ago I was torn between my childhood dream of a career in law enforcement or continuing my path in clinical work. I've always expressed the benefits of following personal dreams to others, and I figured that I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't follow my own. Once I fell into law enforcement my craving for working with youth and adolescents was still within me. I began the journey to find a way to satisfy my need while still maintaining a healthy career in law enforcement. After looking into the post-graduate opportunities at Schaperow Psychology Center & Associates I decided to contact the practice director Sam Schaperow. Sam asked me what I needed, and then he expressed the "possible" opportunities that their practice could provide. I signed on as a part-time post-graduate, due to my other professional obligations, and the flexible schedule Schaperow could provide.

As I began my work at Schaperow it was made clear what Sam meant about "possible" opportunities. He meant that it would be hard work that took persistent effort at building my own practice. The tools were there for me to utilize, but as a part-time post-graduate, my practice building phase was twice as hard. After a rough start and my beginning to think that private practice work wasn't for me, I saw a breakthrough, both clinically and financially. That breakthrough didn't happen until I successfully found a way to use for every part-time hour productively. I attended weekly group supervision sessions that Sam provided, which consisted of exploring clinical cases and practice building. It also allowed for several alternative perspectives on my clients' presenting problems. I was able to implement these tools into practice as the referrals became endless and my practice grew from there.

At the end, my clinical hours were complete, but more importantly my experience enabled me to expand my capabilities as a therapist and to explore the work of a private practitioner.

Rashaad Carter, MSW

II. Sam,

My association with the Schaperow Psychology Center of CT as a post graduate MFT was a positive experience. During my time at the Center, I was treated as a professional and was allowed the autonomy to treat clients as I felt appropriate. As a supervisor, I found Sam Schaperow to be knowledgeable in a wide range of therapeutic models and always accessible and supportive. In addition, Sam and Tracy were always generous in providing referrals, and were willing to include me as part of the gastric bypass evaluation team.

The Center is located in a secure professional office building near Interstate 95. The office suite includes a comfortable waiting room and an inviting office in which to see clients. The office is also equipped with a computer, fax, phone and answering equipment to attend to any administrative necessities.

My post graduate work at the Schaperow Psychology Center of CT was a worthwhile and positive experience.

Joan Ventrilio, M.A., MFT

P.S. You can also provide any potential extern with my cell phone # (203) 640-7474 for a personal reference.


A. 12/17

When I found that Sam Schaperow accepted post-graduates for private practice, I jumped at the opportunity to join a private practice. I had worked at an inpatient hospital for over two years. I facilitated groups and had some supervision. After some time, it appeared to me that the company didn't care about me or my safety. I often times didn't have control over who attended my groups or what populations I worked with. As scared as I was, I knew something had to change.

As I've grown as a therapist, I know that private practice not only do I have control over who I choose to have as clients and what kinds of diagnoses and conflicts that I feel comfortable with, I also get a chance to work in a safe and comfortable environment. I don't know how many hours I spent in my office outside of a session because it was comfortable for me to be there. I loved making decisions about how I could decorate or the types of furniture and supplies I had in my office.

After I received my diploma, I felt like I was unprepared to market myself in private practice. Through working with Sam, I started to learn marketing and taking risks to figure out what works best for me.

Sam also helped with practical clinical skills that I use every day in my practice.

Private practice has shown to be the most rewarding career venture I've done. It's because of the support from Sam Schaperow that I've been able to take risks and problem solve any difficulties that have come up in private practice.

Please feel free to contact me through my website ( w/any questions.

Vanessa Love, MAAT, LPC

B. 12/16

I started with Sam Schaperow before I graduated from my graduate program in art therapy. He set me up with clients and we had supervision where he would teach me about the different insurance laws, how to talk on the phone with clients since I was incredibly shy at the time, how to bill insurance companies, how to call and talk to various people at the insurance companies. I was incredibly lucky and did get people who were willing to pay for services out-of-pocket-- and I think it was all the training I received from Sam. Sam was always understanding about the struggles I had with business but I knew that each time I was able to overcome my personal barriers doing something new, like organize an open house, make five phone calls a day, or call the insurance companies, it became easier to do. He is detail oriented. I know that sometimes I can get some details confused or just not focus enough to retain the information. He has made sure that I have been able to focus and pay attention to detail, whether it's paying all the requirements for a license or documenting how many potential clients I call and how often I've called. At first, I was too shy to try different techniques to see how things work or to see what worked for me-- such as how often to call a potential client or how to keep notes. But overtime, I was able to figure out that two phone calls a week apart were enough for me to figure out if someone was serious about seeking help. Now that I am licensed, I know all the work I've done to create a great business for myself has come from training and supervision with Sam.

Vanessa Love, MAAT, LPC