
FAQ (please feel free to ad questions or comments to get more questions and answers here):

1. Q: What is the practice's volume, need for meds, situation with insurance, and conditions?

A: As a group, we see about 125 unique pts per week. Probably 10-20% need meds and are seeing someone elsewhere for meds. While few would probably switch, many new pts needing meds would be able to use you. Also, the practice gets a referral for meds about every other week, which we send elsewhere, but would send 100% of those (when insurance isn't a barrier) to you that you'll take. Most (about 90%) people calling for meds are adults. I don't know how many med requests each individual therapist receives. If I had someone on board for meds, I could then start to advertise that we do meds, which would almost certainly increase the # of people contacting us to get meds.

Some people needing meds are willing to pay a full-fee (this may be hundreds per hour, depending on specialty area and other factors), some a sliding-fee, and others in-network insurance. Anthem and Husky A, B, & D are some of the more common insurances we get calls about for meds.

We're a group of private practitioners operating under the same umbrella practice name. Each practitioner is welcome to be on any insurance plans they want, and omit those they don't via individual paneling. If a practitioner is already on a plan elsewhere, they can add us an additional location.

Regarding how thorough or brief appoints can be: While the practitioner will make that determination w/their clients, we lean toward longer more thorough appointments. This can increase the odds of giving the most accurate possible meds (type and dose). We try to avoid scenarios where a person reports inattention and the prescriber immediately jumps to ADD as a Dx. As is perhaps made even more clear by the DSM-V, there are many differential diagnoses that could explain inattention, and a practitioner who's devoted to accuracy will best build their name up in our area and amongst our practice. Additionally, we already have two very through and experienced diagnosticians, so the opportunity to collaborate is surely available to our associates.

As to compensation, amenities, and more, please see our standard options (on the right side of select "Chart of Benefits.docx", which was originally designed for and still used for our practice, and should be quite accurate for prescribers as well. If there are any factors that we have not covered for a prescriber in our standard options that are essential for a prescriber or standard in the industry, please let us know. We mean to offer competitive value to the prescriber, while still making it possible for us to survive our ever increasing costs.

Prescribers who are far away may wish to schedule more than one pt on the initial day if possible, or at least plan to do orientation, or consultations on the same day they schedule their 1st pt. We'd also advise that initial appointments are treated as assessments, which would be billed at the standard assessment charge and/or code. The first follow-up appointment may be billed as a higher E&M code, as well, to be most thorough and helpful to the pt, and as a side-benefit make it more worthwhile to come down for the initial session.

2. Q: How many hours do you need, and for what ages?

A: We expect to grow the number of hours needed as we start officially offering medication. At first there will be some people needing it, but as we get the word out we may get bombarded with many requests. We have office space available to expand with any prescriber's needs, and at the same time we are respectful of the number of hours a prescriber is comfortable with, so we will increase or decrease referrals at the prescriber's request.

The ages of pts ranges from children to adults, with more requests for adults, yet a definite need for children. We're looking to get at least an adult prescriber and to also get a child prescriber.

3. If I join on the % option instead of a flat-rate, what is the split?

A: This depends primarily on the length of the contract signed with us. Please ask for details.