The Picture of Life

If only life were as simple as a picture on the wall

Always to be caught in one special moment forever

Wouldn’t it be wonderful,

if when we take a drive in our first car

Or find our first love

Time would just stop and we would be suspended in that memory forever lasting

Who is to decided the right spot to it is to pause forever?

In or best memory might be a good place to start

How could anybody know what their best memory is when half of them have not been made yet

Some one would argue that it would not matter what memories were lost

For they would not have to experience the sorrow that follows all good memories

Nevertheless, the hurting we go through makes when we are happy so much better?

You my stop time in your favorite memory if that is what you so desire

I am going to keep on making more memories

Because with each one I make they only get better

I do not want to miss out the best of what life has to offer

For when I step up to the gates of heaven, I will know it was all worth it