The Paths of Love

Whenever you are near a peace rushes over me

And soothes my deep sorrows

A river of joy breaks through the floodgates of my heart

And carries me away on a continuous wave of compassion

Paths of love are long and narrow

Sometimes they meet other times they part

My road crossed over yours sometime ago

But we could not stop

I just drove right on by you

Leaving my heart behind

I know that I will never find myself in your arms again

And your sweet lips upon mine

This understanding does not stop

The tears that flow down my face

Like dying petals that fall from a forgotten rose

Each day I go on living on the outside

But inside my heart is slowly dyeing

Continually crying out for you

Do not worry about me though

I will be just fine

God is here to help me get through each day

one day at a time.