Mortality statistics (Medical Section joint event) (online)

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Location: Remotely by invite. Check out the RSS Events page to book a place -

In a change to usual proceedings, the event will take place on Microsoft Teams.

14:15-14:25: Login

14:25-14:30 Chair of the Leeds/Bradford Group


14:30-15:30 Gary Childs, Head of Delivery: Data, Insight & Statistics, NHS

(View recording of presentation)

The evolution of the summary hospital-level mortality indicator.

The Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) reports on mortality at site level across the NHS in England. It is the ratio between the actual number of patients who die following hospitalisation at the site and the number that would be expected to die on the basis of average England figures, given the characteristics of the patients treated there. There is an ongoing review of the SHMI to evaluate potential short and long term changes to improve the indicator, this talk will explore some of the changes that have already been made, the improvements that NHS Digital are currently tackling, the different analytical techniques that are being explored and the potential evolution of the indicator in future.

15:30-16:30 Prof. Mohammed A Mohammed, University of Bradford and The Strategy Unit (NHS)

(Mis)Understanding Hospital Mortality Statistics.