NHS Digital Showcase

Date: 21st November 2018, 14:30-17:00

Location: NHS Digital, 1 Trevelyan Square, Leeds, LS1 6AE

Booking through Eventbrite is essential for security reasons: Booking Page

NHS Digital are the national information and technology partner to the health and social care system. They use digital technology to transform the NHS and social care. This meeting will showcase the work that they do.

2:30pm Meet and greet, tea and coffee. Seminars begins at 3pm.

Confirmed talks:

1] SHMI. “The Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) reports on mortality at trust level across the NHS in England. This indicator is produced and published quarterly as a National Statistic by NHS Digital. The SHMI is the ratio between the actual number of patients who die following hospitalisation at the trust and the number that would be expected to die on the basis of average England figures, given the characteristics of the patients treated there. The team from NHS Digital will describe the current statistics and plans for future developments.”

2] Adult Social Care. “Members of the Adult Social Care Statistics team will provide an introduction to the Adult Social Care system in England. We will talk through how our range of data collections (aggregate, record-level and survey data) provides insight into many areas of a system that is regularly in the media, and look to answer any questions you might have on this topic.”

3] Primary Care Domain. “Exploring new record level primary care data. Discussing the new GP Appointments data set, which contains information collected about appointments for the first time. We will explain the challenges collecting this data, exploring the data and developing the publication."

4] Prescribing. “The development and publication of a set of medication safety indicators, linking prescribing data to admissions data from HES. These have been developed in collaboration with colleagues from NHS Business Services Authority and our Secondary Care team as part of a programme of work to reduce medication error and promote safer use of medicines, including prescribing, dispensing, administration and monitoring. The purpose of the indicators is to identify hospital admissions that may be associated with prescribing that potentially increases the risk of harm, and to quantify patients at potentially increased risk.”

5] Lifestyle Statistics. “Paul Niblett is the section head in the Lifestyles Statistics team within NHS Digital. The Lifestyles team collects and publishes both survey and administrative data which cover important public health issues such as obesity, alcohol misuse, drug misuse, smoking, physical activity, diet and contraception. Paul will give an overview of some of the key datasets his team collects such as the Health Survey for England and the National Child Measurement Programme. The talk will also include some examples of the reports his team produces from these data sources.”

There will also be a selection of posters from various analytical teams in the main seminar room.