Wednesday 1 May 2013

Statistics in Mental Health

Dr Geraldine Strathdee (Associate medical director, mental health , NHS London) - ' How Mental Health Statistics are used in Real Life'

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Inger Hatloy (Information Officer, MIND) - 'Mental Health Statistics - Fact or Fiction'

[presentation slides]

Netta Hollings (Programme Manager, Community and Mental Health, Health and Social Care Information Centre) - 'Developments in Mental Health Statistics'

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14:00 - Tea and coffee

14:35 - RSS Introduction (Robert Long)

14:40 - Health & Social Care Information Centre Introduction (Andy Sutherland and/or Netta Hollings)

14:45 - How Mental Health Statistics are used in Real Life

15:25 - Mental Health Statistics - Fact or Fiction

16:05 - Break

16:20 - Developments in Mental Health Statistics

17:00 Finish

The meeting will be held at

Health and Social Care Information Centre

1 Trevelyan Square

Boar Lane

Leeds, LS1 6AE

In accordance with security procedures at the Information Centre, those attending must pre-register. If you plan to attend, please complete the following form by 5pm on Friday 19th April 2013.