Police Legacy Board




His Excellency Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae GCL GCMG

Governor General of Papua New Guinea

and Commandant of the RPNGC


Ambassador Graham Ainui OL MBE O.st.J QPM

Executive Officer, Rural Industries Council

Ambassador Graham Ainui, joined the RPNGC in January 1970, and held the rank of Deputy Commissioner Administration in 1993. He left the force in 1996 and was appointed as Papua New Guinea's Ambassador to the Philippines in 1997, where he became the longest serving Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. In 2012 he re-joined Police Legacy Board of Directors.


Gari Baki CBE, DPS, QPM, O.St.J

Commissioner of Police

The Vice President of Police Legacy is the Constabulary's very own Commissioner of Police. Joining in 1974, promoted Sub Inspector on 16/6/1976. He was Deputy Police Commissioner when appointed as Commissioner on 17/12/2006. He remained as Commissioner until 11/11/2010. In 2013 he was appointed as Director-general of the National Intelligence Organisation. On 5/6/2015 he was again appointed as Commissioner. Awarded Member of the Order of the Biritish Empire (MBE) 1991 and created Brother of the Order of St John (OstJ) 24/8/2004. Queens Police Medal (QPM) 2007 as Deputy Commissioner. He was promoted Officer (OBE) 12/6/2004 and Commander (CBE) 2011.


Peter Turner ML BEM

R/Sergeant RPNGC

A Kiap prior to and after Independence, Peter served in Hela, Sandaun, Madang and Simbu Provinces. He is currently a Reserve Sergeant with the 4 mile Traffic Police. He is no ordinary reservist as he holds a Master’s Degree in Justice and a master’s Degree in Law from Queensland University of Technology. He has served the Constabulary for a total of 38 years.


David Guinn CSM OBE OAM

R/Chief Sergeant RPNGC



The President of Police Legacy served as Commissioner of Police from 1990-1992, Chairman of the Public Service Commission from 1992 - 1997, former Ombudsman Commissioner and Chief Ombudsman from 1998-2008 and is one of the founding fathers of Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary Legacy Inc. Joining the Constabulary in 1968, Mr. Geno worked his way up the ranks as an 'Ace' Detective to being the nation's Top Cop. His reputation for transparency and integrity earned him yet another top post within the Public Sector as the Chief Ombudsman. Police Legacy is privileged and honoured to have him as our Charter President.

Raphael Huafolo MBE DPS QPM

Deputy Commissioner RPNGC

Jim Andrews MBE DPS QPM

Deputy Commissioner RPNGC

Dominic Kakas BEM

Chief Superintendant RPNGC

Claire Rambu DPS BEM

Sergeant RPNGC

David Kaumara DPS

Inspector RPNGC

Sylvia Reu LM, DPS

Chief Inspector

Michael Koisen ML

Reserve Sergeant,

CEO, Teachers Savings and Loan Society

Michael is no newcomer to the Police force. Mr. Koisen is currently the CEO of Teachers Savings and Loans Society Ltd. Prior to that he was the CEO of the then Police Savings and Loans Society. Mr Koisen is a Fellow of the Australian Mutual 2012: a Senior Associate of the Financial Services Institute of Australia, and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Mr Koisen serves as a non - executive Chairman on the Boards of the PNG Federation of Savings and Loan Societies Ltd., Capital Insurance Group Limited, and Fiji based Oceania Confederation of Credit Union Leagues. He also serves as a non-executive Director on the Boards of the Independent Public Business Corporation, Credit Corporation (PNG) and Airlines PNG. He re-joined the Board of Directors in 2012 .

Non-Executive Director (Fundraising)

Peter White MBE, MCS

Peter brings to Legacy a wealth of experience in this position having served until recently as both Director and Secretary to RPNGC Police Legacy, during which time he was instrumental in the success of our fund raising activities. His passion for the RPNGC and Police Legacy, founded during his service as a Chief Inspector in the Constabulary from 1988-1991, is well known by most. During his early service he was recognised with the award by the PNG Government of the Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) and in only 2014 he was awarded both the Meritorious Community Service Medal and the Queens Golden Jubilee Medal for his service to Police Legacy in PNG.

Peter has also had a distinguished career in the Australian Government having served as both a Commissioned officer in the Australian Federal Police as well as in a number of senior executive roles within various Australian Government departments.
