Australian Police Donate K200 to Police Legacy

Inspector Jane Craill of the Papua New Guinea – Australia Policing Partnership (PNG-APP) met with our Secretary Peter White MBE, MCS and Treasurer Peter Turner LM, BEM at the Officers Mess at Police Headquarters, Konedobu on Thursday 7th August.

Inspector Craill is one of our 26 contributing members from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) currently works at Police Headquarters and is President of the PNG-APP Social Club known as the ‘Kumul Klub’. The Kumul Klub regularly collects money for local charities as part of their ‘Charity of the Month’ and it is as a result of this initiative that this money was raised by its members to benefit the members of Police Legacy. The money will be added to the Commandants Trust Scholarship Fund which helps provide for the education of the children of deceased officers. Police Legacy very much appreciates this token of the support given to our work by the members of the PNG-APP Kumul Klub and the ongoing support provided by its members through contributing membership.