Life Members

Life membership is a way we can reward individuals who contribute more than K1500 to supporting Police Legacy.

This page has been created to thank the following individuals for their support to date.

If you would like to become a Life Member of Police Legacy please contact us for more information.

Honorary Life Members

The late Grand Chief Sir Michael OGIO GCL GCMG KSt.J MCS


Sir Toami Kulunga Kt.OBE DPS QPM (RPNGC Rtd.)

Asst. Commissioner Alfred REU OBE DPS QPM (RPNGC Rtd.)

Grand Chief Sir Bob Bofeng Dadae GCL GCMG KStJ

Commissioner Gari L. Baki CBE CStJ DPS QPM (RPNGC)

Peter Turner ML BEM Ll.M (RPNGC)

Peter White MBE MCS MBA (RPNGC Rtd.)

Graham Ainui OL MBE OStJ QPM (RPNGC Rtd.)

Life Members

Chief Inspector Peter WHITE MBE MCS (RPNGC Rtd.)

Mr. Peter BELL (Vic Pol Rtd.)

Federal Agent Susan ANDERSON (AFP)

Mr Rhys CARPENTER (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Paul OATES (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Jack HUMFREY (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Ray WEBER ML (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr Vesturs KARNUPS (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Desmond MARTIN ML (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. John HOCKNULL (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Peter BRIGGS (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Wilhelm SPELDEWINDE (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Keiran NASH (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)


Mr. Glenn Henke (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Mr. Peter Salmon

Mr. Robin Ian BARCLAY (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Late Mr. Patrick David SHOWELL (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Leslie Oswald HUNTER

Federal Agent Jamie LOVEDAY (AFP)

Assistant Commissioner Bruce GILES (AFP)

Federal Agent Michelle HARRIS (AFP)

Detective Superintendent Shane McCLENAN (AFP)

Ms. Emma WARD (AFP)

Michael O’ROURKE

Federal Agent Tony STAFFORD (AFP)

Mr. Christopher DILLON (AFP)

Iain Miller (RPNGC Field Branch Rtd.)

Shane Austin (AFP)

Suzanne Douglas (NZP)

Paul Jones (AFP)

Wolfgang Bandish

Thank you