Pre WW2 Casualties

The following list has been compiled from newspaper articles and other materials as they have come to hand. It is by no means a complete list and inmost cases there is no name given. Again it is hoped that in time and as research progresses that names can be identified. If it serves no other purpose it commemorates the actions whereby these men were killed in service of their fellow man.

Malakula, New Hebrides 1916

Constable UNKNOWN. New Guinea Police Force. Killed 22/10/1916. Malakula, New Hebrides (Vanuatu). Punitive expedition aboard HMAS Una to Malakula. Two Officers and ten Native Police from Rabaul. Two Native Police killed names unknown. Ref; Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 – Navy, p369

Constable UNKNOWN. New Guinea Police Force. Killed 22/10/1916. Malakula, New Hebrides (Vanuatu). Punitive expedition aboard HMAS Una to Malakula. Two Officers and ten Native Police from Rabaul. Two Native Police killed names unknown. Ref; Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 – Navy, p369


Constable UNKNOWN. New Guinea Police. Killed 7-8/1936. Rau Coast near Madang.

HOSTILE NATIVES Attack New Guinea Patrol POLICE BOY KILLED, FOUR WOUNDED CANBERRA, Tuesday. One native constable was killed and four were wounded when a patrol led by Assistant District Officer Nurton was attacked at night by hostile natives on the Ral coast, near Mandang, New Guinea. A report of the clash, forwarded to the Minister in Charge of Territories (Sir George Pearce) by the Administrator of New Guinea, stated that the patrol was taking a census of natives at the time of the attack. Two loaded rifles were stolen. An investigation will be carried out by District Officer McDonald, of Mandang, who has left for the scene of the attack.

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate – 5 August 1936 p 7

The Government has received advice from the Administrator of New Guinea that a party 'of ' natives attacked the police patrol, killing one man and wounding several others. The murderers belong to 'a religious sect which was waiting for the arrival of 'Jesus,' according to their leader, and believed that any native not in his hut When the great event took place would be killed. – They therefore resented the intrusion of the patrol, which was taking the census.

Daily Advertiser 5th August 1936 p1

Constable UNKNOWN. New Guinea Police. Killed 28/8/1938. Wabag Patrol Base.

A native constable was killed and. a ' carrier was seriously wounded when natives in the Mount Hagen area of New Guinea attacked an exploratory patrol on Sunday. The patrol is led by the assistant district officer (Mr. .J. L. Taylor), who has with him Mr. J. E. Black, patrol officer, and Mr. Walsh as medical assistant. The explorers set out from Mount Hagen on March 8 and recently established a camp known as Wabag base. Messrs. Taylor and Black had pushed on farther into unknown country leaving Mr. Walsh at the Wabag base camp. On Sunday a small portion of the base camp party was attacked near the camp. Although Mr. Walsh advised that there was no cause to worry, the Administrator (Sir Walter Mc Nicoll arranged for regular contact with him through the radio telephone set at Government House. Mr. Walsh reported restlessness among the natives. In view of the limited number of native police and the small supply of ammunition at Wabag, Sir Walter Mc Nicoll sent a plane from Madang to Wabag with additional native police and ammunition.

Albury Banner and Wodonga Express Friday 2 September 1938 page 7.