NSW Police Legacy Kokoda Challenge participants visit

NSW Police Legacy Kokoda Challenge participants visit

On 24th April 2014 Police Legacy hosted a function to welcome back a group from NSW Police Legacy just returned from their 9th Annual NSW Police Legacy Kokoda Challenge. The NSW Police Legacy Group consisted of members, legatees and serving members of other Australian Police and Emergency Services. For more detail of their experiences visit;


To welcome the group a BBQ was held at the RPNGC Officer’s Mess, Police Headquarters, Konedobu. Present from the Police Legacy Board was our President Chief Ila Geno, Vice President and Commissioner of Police Toami Kulunga, Treasurer Peter Turner, Secretary Peter White and Board members Ambassador Graham Ainui and A/ACP Joanne Clarkson. Also in attendance was the Commander of the Papua New Guinea Australia- Policing Partnership (PNG-APP), Assistant Commissioner Allan Scott and a large contingent of Police Legacy Members of both the RPNGC and PNG-APP.

Fellowship was the order of the day as speeches were made and gifts exchanged by the Commissioner of Police, Ambassador Ainui, Peter White and NSW Police Legacy.

This was a wonderful opportunity to exchange stories and ideas with this remarkable group and we look forward to their return next year. Police Legacy salutes their enterprise and commends their efforts in this endeavor.