Recruits address at Bomana College

Police Legacy addresses recruits at Bomana Police College

Saturday 8th June 2014

Our Treasurer R/Sgt Peter Turner addresses recruits at Bomana College

On Saturday representatives of Police Legacy attended the National Police College at Bomana in order to address the current recruits on the work of Police Legacy and the benefits of membership. On the day more than 250 recruits were spoken to in the Mess Hall and provided with copies of the Police Legacy Newsletter.

Our Treasurer spoke to the recruits of the history of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary and his experiences working with them as well as the benefits of membership and the Police Legacy Board’s plans for the future.

APF Sergeant Jamie Loveday spoke of family and service and reminded recruits that they have now joined a new family and the importance of looking after one another. He also brought their attention to the Police Legacy website and Facebook page. Superintendent Joe Dange spoke of the belief of the Commissioner of Police in Police Legacy and urged the recruits to strongly consider membership.

Altogether the speeches were well received and within a week 100% of the recruits were enlisted as members.