The End

Publication date: October 13, 2006


1. 13 Shocking Secrets You'll Wish You Never Knew about Lemony Snicket

Booklet distributed physically at bookstores (25 per easelback display) and digitally on during summer 2006.

The booklet:

13 Shocking Secrets.pdf

2. The Tragic Treasury sampler

Three-song sampler CD for The Tragic Treasury album, a collection of songs written and performed for the audiobooks by The Gothic Archies (a.k.a. Stephin Merritt). Distributed in September 2006 with purchases of The Beatrice Letters.

3. Pre-order stickers

Sheet of round stickers for bookstores to give to customers who pre-ordered a copy of The End. Stickers read:

    • “I am prepared for The End”
    • “I am very brave, very foolish, or both. I signed up for The End”
    • “Fortunately, all things must come to an end. The End”

4. In-Store Event Invitations

Sheet of cardstock event invitations for bookstores to advertise their release parties.


5. "Disguises"

Punch-out masks of Olaf, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny; the edges of the face and the eyeholes are perforated. Distributed to bookstore customers on release day for use in disguising themselves.


The masks:



6. Sealing wax stickers

Sheet of stickers designed to look like globs of sealing wax stamped with the Lemony Snicket seal. 25 sheets included in each event kit. Distributed to bookstore customers on release day.

7. Pencil

Wooden pencil that reads, “I survived Lemony Snicket”. 25 pencils included in each event kit. Distributed to bookstore customers on release day.


8. Write Your Own Beatrice Letter

Mad-Libs style Beatrice Letter (LS to BB #2). 25 sheets included in each event kit. Distributed to bookstore customers on release day.


9. Iron-on transfer

“The End is Here”. Distributed to bookstore customers on release day.

10. Many Of The Beatrice Letters Have Been Lost Forever

Postcard advertising Write Your Own Beatrice Letter contest; winning entries were posted on Distributed to bookstore customers on release day.

11. The Bad Beginning Multi-Voice Audiobook sampler

Sampler CD for a re-issue of The Bad Beginning audiobook with separate voice actors for each role.


12. Barnes & Noble partnerships

    • Lenticular gift card with cover illustration from The End
    • Tan 2" button that reads, “Come to Barnes & Noble for THE END of Lemony Snicket Friday the 13th of October, 2006”

13. Friday the 13th Event Kit

The (distributed to bookstore customer) items listed above were sent to booksellers as part of an Unfortunate Event Kit for The End. The box also contained a booklet of "Reproducible Activities" (puzzles and games for booksellers to photocopy and distribute to customers on release day) and a page-a-day / flip chart countdown calendar.

Laydown information from HarperCollins:


14. The End poster (HarperCollins version)

Maze depicting the previous books in the series. Used for in-store advertising prior to release day.



1. The End t-shirt

Black t-shirt: front reads “Don’t Let It Finish You”, back reads “The End”

2. The End poster (Egmont version)

On the left side is The End's front cover illustration; the right side reads “Friday 13th October The End Book the Thirteenth A Series of Unfortunate Events Read Something Else”. Used for in-store advertising prior to release day.
