PC Scholarship Awards


RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards): We sponsor two qualified high school students -- freshmen through seniors -- to attend a spring-time weekend leadership /teamwork experience with other students from throughout our Rotary District 6420. Preference is given to Interact members and potential leaders. The PCHS Interact Club also sponsors two qualified members.

STUDENT SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD: We annually recognize a graduating senior who has demonstrated the qualities of community service, student leadership, personal commitment, and notable involvement in service to others, placing service to others above personal interest or gain. Recognition includes a donation of $100 to Interact in appreciation for that student's effort, participation and involvement --- proving that students can, and do, make a huge difference, through service above self!

KNUTE HAMMEL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD is presented annually to a graduating senior, honoring the memory of past PC Rotary president and local businessman Knute Hammel whose own efforts during his life to initiate a scholarship program are now carried forward by our Rotary Club. The $500 award gives priority to a student active in school and community service, with preference also to a student attending IVCC in Knute’s own life profession of graphic arts. Recipients must demonstrate academic dedication, artistic ability, community service, and all-around hard work that will be required to pursue educational opportunities --- and a great future beyond.

VOCATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL CO-OP STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD recognizes the top pairing of student and employer during the student's senior year, taking into consideration academic performance, school involvement and community service. The student receives $250 toward educational expenses. The employer is also recognized and thanked for their support of the school-sponsored Co-Op Program.

BILL KLEIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD of $500 toward educational expenses is intended to encourage a student whose qualities include such drive and determination as our friend and past Club President Bill Klein had demonstrated to be the keys to personal, as well as vocational success, during his life. Special qualities and personal determination, as well as school and community service involvement, are given careful consideration.

AND BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL... College students may apply through PC Rotary for extremely valuable but competitive scholarship opportunities made possible by Rotary Foundation and Rotary District 6420. Scholarships are available for advanced studies, graduate studies, and international peace and conflict resolution programs to study abroad.

Contact PC Rotary or the PCHS School Guidance Counselor for more details and application forms!

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