Club Meetings within District 6420

We're on the move!

PC Rotary will be meeting at Clover Club's meeting room as of October 6 -- come & visit!


Henry Rotary - Noon Mondays at Gibsons on the Square

Princeton Rotary - Tuesdays at Noon at the Elks

Lacon Rotary - Noon Wednesdays at Club LaCon

LaSalle Rotary - Wednesdays at Noon at Uptown Bar & Grill in Downtown LaSalle

Illinois Valley Sunrise Rotary - 7 AM Thursdays at Liberty Restaurant in Peru

Peru Rotary - Fridays at Noon -- meeting place is on the move -- check them out on facebook!

AND THERE'S MORE! See: "where clubs meet!"

Your are always a welcome guest at Rotary!