Kristina's "Famous" Zucchini Bread

3 cups shredded zucchini 

4 cups all purpose flour

1 cup plus 2 tablespoons cane sugar 

1/2 cup golden raisins 

1/4 cup packed brown sugar 

5 teaspoons baking powder 

1 tablespoon grated lemon rind 

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 

1/2 teaspoon salt 

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 

1 1/2 cups milk 

6 tablespoons oil

2 teaspoons real vanilla extract

2 large eggs

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease two 8x4 inch loaf pans with cooking spray or coconut oil; set aside. Press the zucchini through a sieve to remove excess moisture; set aside.

2. In a large bowl, combine flour, 1 cup sugar, raisins, brown sugar, baking powder, rind, cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg; make a well in the center of mixture. 

3. In a medium bowl, stir together the milk, oil, vanilla, and eggs. Stir in the zucchini. Add the zucchini mixture to the flour mixture, stirring until just moist. 

4. Divide the  batter evenly between the two prepared pans. Sprinkle the top of each loaf with 1 tablespoon sugar. Bake at 350 for 1 hour and 10 minutes, or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. 

5. Cool the loaves for 5 minutes in their pans on a wire rack. Then, remove the loaves from the pans and cool completely on the wire rack.