25th Anniversary Poem

25th Anniversary Poem

Written in 2011 at the celebration of the Philadelphia Writing Project's anniversary

by Susan Chast

Anniversaries are beacons that gleam

Through the soupy fog of change and time

Something happened here

Something happened over time

Slowly seeds grew

But not by themselves

We labored over them

Hoed the soil

Raised money for land and laborers

Touched them and were touched in return

We left and let others lead

Came back

And came back again

And this anniversary we are still here

Our seeds still spreading

Community far and wide

Something happened here

And we welcome you

Child, Friend, Colleague and Teacher

You make change possible

You carry the word

Create the words

“Happy Anniversary”

Thanks to you

Something is happening here.

Needs bio.

Susan’s piece was inspired by poetry performed during the day events as part of PhilWP’s 25th anniversary celebration. Susan wrote and shared the poem with the audience at the days events at the University of Pennsylvania Museum for Archaeology and Anthropology on October 22, 2011.