9. & 10. Trees & Forests

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Trees Class, M3.9

¿Why are trees so important? If we all plant some 10,0000 trees each we can prevent climate catastrophe, regenerate lost soils, increase biodiversity and preserve vital ecosystems & cycles. Trees are the biggest and oldest living beings on Earth. But around 75% of the ancient forest have vanished due to human action. So it's urgent for us to know and understand trees, how to plant them, how to care for them,how to return them to their most important place in nature. In this class we will learn about tree biology and tree functions as well as their influence in our culture.

Forests Class, M3.10

At about the time humankind discovered agriculture, forests covered about 50% of the land area on planet Earth. Now they barely cover some 30%, & falling. This is now the single most urgent physical repairing of the environment we need to engage in, as forests are so vital for every aspect of life on Earth, safeguarding the vital cycles of air, water, earth, stabilizing the local & global climate, creating soil & habitats for a huge number of species, sustaining entire economies & our health. Forests play a key vital role on many levels as they are so basic & even primal for humans. In this class we get intimately acquainted with Forests, their make-up, how they work & especially we learn how to design Forest Gardens: our future human habitat, if we are to survive & thrive as humans.

There's a dialogue in our FB group about this subject (click icon to go there)