Sally Fallon

Sally Fallon Morell is the co-founder and president of The Weston A. Price Foundation, author of Nourishing Traditions, an educational cook-book on practical nutrition & a speaker on the dietary discoveries of Dr Price.

Sally Fallon at Farm Food Voices '09

introduced by Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm (in M3.6 Animals class)


The Queen of Butter

Bone Broths

The Three Offenders of the Modern Diet

Key Principles of Traditional Diet

Fermented Foods

see the Fermented Foods in this e-book also

Preparing Grains

Soy Foods

The USDA Food Pyramid

Western A. Price mission statement

Soy Prison Press Conference Chicago

Dietary Guidelines Press Conference

Sally Fallon Morell of the Weston A. Price Foundation hosted a press conference with concerned scientists and nutrition researchers on Feb 14, 2011. In her introductory remarks she describes the Flaws in the 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines, with a particular emphasis of the impact on school lunch programs.