EcoEconomy Facilitators

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This is an invitation to collaborate in designing & delivering a pioneering programme for Training for EcoInvestment Networks: for activists who are changing the economy, from March to August 2013.

Many people are now embarking on this important job & they need the guidance, help & support from experienced activists like yourself.

An Invitation to EcoEconomists

Are you…

    • Passionate about transitioning the economy?

    • An activist in some aspect of EcoEconomy?

    • A supporter of other activists?

    • Great at getting the word out?

Have you worked with Ecosystem / Economic Flows, Money Design, Land Reform, Complementary Currencies, Transition, EcoBusiness, Organizational Design, Designing Networks, or Globalization issues?

Do you want to share what you know with others?

We are particularly interested in people like you who are long-term activists in this area, as there are many people now embarking on this very important work who would greatly benefit from guidance & support from a team of people of varied perspectives who are experienced in this area.

To Support Transition Pioneers

Our vision is to co-create with you the most complete EcoEconomy course ever, especially designed to support local economy activists and social entrepreneurs, so we want to bring together the most varied & effective group of facilitators to share their experience, expertise, and mentoring.

The Public Course Page:

This course is taught as the fifth & final module of the Integral Permaculture Design Diploma course offered by Nodo Espiral and is also available as a stand-alone course.

PermaCulture is an integrative sustainability design science, 50 years in the making, which draws from the on-the-ground work of a wide & loose network of social change activists engaged in action-research in practical sustainability design. It studies how to join up a lot of modern & ancient design know-how with all useful arts & sciences, with the sole purpose of creating sustainable, just & peaceful human societies.

NodoEspiral of the Permaculture academy has taken permaculture to a new level during the last 10 years, by greatly developing the dimensions of PeopleCare, Design Techniques & EcoEconomics, to join the existing EarthCare & EcoTechnology which is what permaculture is best known for.

Developing a New Curriculum

The Integral Permaculture Curriculum is the emerging result of this work.

This is all still a great work in progress, so we're inviting you to participate in creating this, if you wish.

The current EcoEconomy Chapter of the e-book outlines a draft curriculum and can be found here:

This is one module of the 5 module Integral Permaculture curriculum which we are developing (& hopefully with your help in the future).

Exploring the Edges

All coursework & mentoring is facilitated via an easy to use online platform, so all you need is an internet connection.

Integral Permaculture Science

We use "EcoEconomy" & "EcoInvesting" as terms that include everything that is needed to re-design the current Economy towards a sustainable model: from how to create one's own employment to designing complementary currencies, new economic indicators & resource flows, strengthening networks to inventing new cultural stories to guide a future society in a rational direction, on all levels.

the "Who We Are" section is updated there

The spanish version of

this Facilitators presentation

is here:ía

We are particularly interested in your participation because we believe that in bringing together a group of experienced eco-economy activists in an active, working environment, we'll be creating an additional & much needed opportunity to explore the edges of our expertise & find out where these most usefully join up & can be informed by others' perspectives. Integrating today's vast areas of practical, tested knowledge, way past individualism (of pioneer thinkers as of entire networks & cultures) & subject boundaries into a coherent science & direction is what lies at the core of our work, passion & effort as Integral Permaculture designers.

Integrators & Cooperators

We are especially looking for you if you have found yourself at any time frustrated about how various vast & brilliant communities don't seem to talk to others quite similar to them, when their work is clearly very complementary.

We believe this integrating, cross-fertilizing work is critically important now, and the EcoEconomy course, like all the rest of the Integral Permaculture curriculum, is designed to be such a continuous, open-ended & ever-evolving resource.

Levels of Participation

We appreciate that activists are usually very busy*, but participating in this event doesn't necessarily require much time or effort. We've outlined several possible levels of participation below, in increasing levels of commitment, to keep this as flexible as possible for all of us:

+ anything else you can think of! In the spirit of Min-Max we’re looking for synergies at all times. If you see how any of this could fit creatively with your existing work, let us know .

Who we are

See updated list

on the public presentation, here

Dates & Meetings

Skype Meetings

We are currently meeting every Tuesday & Thursday on Skype between 1& 5pm GMT(UTC)* & you're very welcome to join us.

Do give a better time to speak with you if those times aren't suitable.

* see UTC on this map (the centre band, in pink is UTC) & how it converts to your time-zone.

At least one of us will be on skype during this time.

Course Time Line

NOTE 29Apr 2013 - moving course forward 1 month!! (add 1month to all dates below). Because ... the EcoNova Conferences ended up being more ambitious than planned, & we were invited to help put together Grow Local Live for International Permaculture Day on 5th May

The course will run from May - September 2013 and in preparation we will be:

Feb - preparing outreach materials & approaching possible new tutors & collaborators.

Mar - continue above + Organize free conferences, with some useful didactic content & also launching the course. Enrolment starts & people who want to help with administrating the course can join us & have 1 or 2 months to earn "Permis" (our internal CC) which they can off-set against the course costs.

April - continue to advertise the course, Organize & advertise the conferences, Tutors & Collaborators do outreach & prepare the classes (contents & slides: all classes will be given live on-line according to the schedule outlined in the calendar below)

May – Sept - the first EcoEconomy course of this kind will take place, with two live classes per month, much portfolio support (of students' own eco-economy projects) & weekly online live support groups & tutorials:

How the Course Works

Weekly sessions are held online, alternating between structured classes and workshop-like encounters to facilitate action-learning. Classes will be held on Tuesdays or Thursdays, one day in English and one in Spanish, to be agreed.

This course will be completely bilingual > English - Spanish, so all students will be invited to participate in both if they wish to practice languages.

Contact Information

Stella: skype "StefaniaStrega"

email: stella(at)GaiaTasiri(dot)org

Rebecca: Rebecca(dot)panama(at)gmail(dot)com

The main component of this practical course will however be the design portfolios of the students: where they will be documenting their real-life, on the ground eco-economy projects. These can be anything from planning their own financial transition to new more sustainable employment (eg. creating their own ethical eco-business) to working in their local area to create community banks, complementary currencies, new cooperatives, etc. We aim to give all of the (brave) on-the-ground new-economy activists who join this course, at whatever stage they are, the best possible expert support. Your time contribution & payment will depend on your level of involvement.