4. Pictures & Photos

There are various ways of keeping your photos or pictures on the web, which makes it easier to manage them but also to EMBED them in wikis, blogs, send by email etc.

How To Use Google Photos

How to Embed Pictures

When you have a picture on the web, and it's not in a private folder... you can just copy its URL and then insert it directly in various places, like wikis, GoogleSites, etc.

This means you can see the picture as a 'window' from other applications without it taking up any memory space, and you also only upload it once.

To get the URL (website address) of a picture, just right-click* on the picture and select "copy image address"

*(in Mac the equivalent to 'right-click' is to press the "ctrl" key + click on mouse)

Then paste that address in the URL space when asked, in the Insert function (in GoogleSites, similar for others).

How To Use Google Photos is a short tutorial reviewing how to use Google Photos. It looks at the user interface and breaks it down to make it easy to use the tool.

Embedding Google Photo Albums into a Google Site

Link to Web Albums App - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/web-a...

Link to Tool for Picasa app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

Flickr - for storing & sharing

Flickr is a powerful program that allows you to share pictures with friends, family and the world. This video looks at the features in Flickr an how it can be using in an educational setting.

Lots more Flickr tutorials here .... use here >> http://www.flickr.com

How to downsize pictures

Where you do want to upload pictures... saving webspace might be a good idea

as it makes it possible for everyone to share all of their creative expressions.

Here's one way to do it:

-Download free program 'shrink pic'


-run the program

-grab (click and hold) any picture you want to downsize

-leave it on 'drag photos here to preview resize'

-your photo will open

-click 'file' and save it somewhere

-it will be downsized dramatically (for sure if you choose 'high compression')

Shrink pic comes with lengthy tutorial, but it basically comes down to what is stated above..

¿other programmes?