
Best lessons from Anthony Robbins

Tony Robbins is a spectacularly successful coach,

here explaining why he gets people to move and shout out during his lectures.

The Learning Pyramid

In the very first class of the course, M1.1, Learning, we reccommend several new habits to get into as you start this course in order to try to ensure you don't just passively listen to the classes & read information here in the e-book.

We introduce you to the learning pyramid (how much we can absorb of what we learn) in order to explain why we've designed things in the way we have, and what you can do in order to benefit most from your Action Learning Course.

The important word is "Action" - unless you are active you will not be able to hear, understand or especially to ACT on the information and support you have signed up for on this (or any other) course.

We strongly suggest you also do these more active (and physically activating) things in order to engage much more - and so use a lot better for your learning:

  1. make as artistic and colourful Mind Maps as you can, whilst you listen and watch the classes, and share them with us

  2. our classes are also multimedia (not just listening, but we pack in as many images and conceptual diagrams as possible so that more senses are engaged) and we encourage you to also design your own conceptual diagrams on your mind-maps because these require a lot more active engagement (than writing lists of words, which is how most people take notes) from you

  3. we facilitate for you to dialogue and debate with other students as soon as possible during and after the class - through our internal wikis but also by ...

  4. ... encouraging you to start doing Think & Listens as soon as possible on starting the course.

  5. Also (this is the highest effectiveness in the pyramid above) look for opportunities to teach what you're learning to others. They can be friends, family, even explaining concepts to your cat will help you to understand them a lot better.

  6. And another thing we think it's important you get into a habit of doing is what Tony Robbins suggests above, to actually move your body and talk (shout if you can! even just to yourself) WHILST listening to the classes or reading interesting materials. You will feel silly doing this but it will make it a lot more likely that you will be able to then put any theory into practice, which is the whole point of studying permaculture.

Especially when working on a computer, or in any sedentary environment, it is important to take regular movement breaks. The information and sheer quantity of fascinating things can keep you immobilized in a chair for many hours ... and this is not good for your body or your mind. Here are a few practical suggestions you can design into your own personalized learning programme ... but do think of your own and let us know which have worked best for you.

    1. Put a timer on for 15-20 minute intervals whenever you sit down to listen and watch a class or do some work on the computer. When the timer goes off, get up and do a little dance, or


A) If you already love dancing ... make a selection of your favourite songs (eg. see how to make a playlist on YouTube) then pick one to dance to when you have your break.

NOTE - It is important to have prepared the songs before hand, otherwise you are likely to end up perusing the music videos instead of getting up out of the chair to dance!

B) If you don't usually dance, or think 'I can't dance', etc. OR you want to try something different ... we suggest you watch and move with this short practical lesson from dance innovator Gabrielle Roth:

You can use this guided video (from minute 1:50) or any of the playlists available in YouTube to take just 3 to 5 minutes out to move & stretch in your study breaks. Make them frequent enough and you will see how much more fruitful your learning will be!