7. Principles

How do we apply the fundamental principles to Permaculture Design?

It is easy to design if we are clear about the design principles, but much more difficult to really understand & integrate these principles in our practice.

In this class we go into more depth about the design principles, with lots of examples of each in order to understand them better.

Full recording available to

In this class we look closer at the Design Principles, which we started studying in Module1, where we focused more on the Attitude Principles

Also see

The Basics class 1.2

(this is a continuation of that introduction)

by Colleen Stevenson

The Permaculture Principles

The Permaculture Principles guide our design decisions and formulate the structure of our Permaculture system. We are using David Holmgren's 12 principle version which are used to help guide every Permaculture design.

Principles Patters

There are various attempts at organizing the principles in easy to remember or colourful formats.

"The Permaculture Tree" we use on our course is just one of these, as is the Holmgren's Principles re-organization ... and during this class we encourage you to explore and figure out your own way of mapping and so remembering the principles more easily.

This is a 'Principles Pyramid' which comes with a set of cards from www.PermaCultureFundamentals.com

There are cards that can be downloaded from the same web, (eg. see the Attitudinal Principles page, here, example below)