
Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines a traditional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. In the aquaculture, effluents accumulate in the water, increasing toxicity for the fish.

This water is led to a hydroponic system where the by-products from the aquaculture are filtered out by the plants as vital nutrients, after which the cleansed water is recirculated back to the animals. The term aquaponics is a portmanteau of the terms aquaculture and hydroponic.

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The Farming Fish - Growing Aquaponics and Superfoods

Also see

the Urban Farming page

& the EcoCities page

in this chapter

This was a Kickstarter video presentation from 2014 and it's a good overview of a commercially successful aquaponics system, see for the full presentation, here below is a summary from YouTube:

We use the Most Sustainable form of Agriculture on the Planet - Join us in Growing Organic Foods with Fewer Resources.


This project is all about forward motion and improvement! Our mission is simple: to practice agriculture in the most wholesome ways – nurturing the lands that we ask to feed us while developing Aquaponics. We are not only certified Organic but practice the most sustainable farming methods known today.

The Farming Fish is a leader in the growing field of commercial Aquaponics. With a one quarter acre greenhouse, we are the largest organic aquaponics farm in the US.

Our farm is pretty amazing, we’re showing every day, bringing Organic Aquaponic food to market, that resources can be better utilized and preserved for future generations. We grow a variety of leafy vegetables and superfoods, most sold living for highest nutritional value and shelf life, and the most sustainable seafood products out there. These upgrades will ensure our continued production and allow us to keep the climate controls necessary for consistently.

The aquaponic system is currently set up to yield over 7,200 cases of greens and 12,000 pounds of fish per year.

Over the past three years we have learned a great deal and are ready to instituted upgrades and improvements to operate even more efficiently in all four seasons.

Using double layer poly to re-cover the greenhouse will give us the added insulation we need in the winter months. With the added insulation value a cooling and heating system can most efficiently keep the climate controls for ideal growing stable through all seasons.

And what better place than Southern Oregon to propel sustainable agriculture, this vibrant farming community is brimming with farms making full use of best farming practices; and now with our recent ballot measure passed this spring, our farms are free from contamination, no GMOs can be grown in our county.


By reaching our funding goal of $42,000 by August 30 we will be able to complete installation of double poly on the greenhouse for higher insulation value and efficiency by September 15, as well as install heating and cooling systems to utilize this efficiency by October 15.

If we exceed our goal by $30,000 we will be able to install a new fish breeding system and expand our plant nursery in the spring of 2015. By breeding more fish we can better supply other aquaponic growers and maximize our farms ability to provide more sustainably raised fish.

And if we exceed our goal by $50,000 we will also be able to build a cob intern dwelling. This financial goal enables us to house interns and begin our Farm Fresh to Food Banks Initiative in the spring of 2015, providing aquaponic education to those who grow and pack food on our farm specifically for regional food banks.


Double Layer Poly $9,000

Cooling System $15,200

Heating System $17,800

Total $42,000

Video used with permission. Video Copyright (c) of its respective owner.

Community Growing Fish in Greenhouses

Milwaukee's Growing Power, a community-based urban food center, is using plants as natural water filters for raising yellow perch. Fred Binkowski, an aquaculture specialist with the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, provides technical advice on the experimental effort.

Max Meyers, Aquaponic specialist

"Nor Cal Aquaponics is the first name in Permaculture based Aquaponics training, consultation, design and installation services." from own website, see

CSA Aquaponics

CSA = Community Supported Aquaponics

CSA Aquaponics combines three key principles:


●Community Supported Agriculture and;

●a specialized educational model designed to expand aquaponics technology.

Aquaponics: is the beautiful merging of hydroponically grown (soil free) vegetables, and aquaculture, the sustainable growing of fish in tanks or ponds. The system is waste free, chemical free and conserves resources.

Community Supported Agriculture is a business agreement between farmers and their subscribers. The community clients pay the farmer in advance for production costs in exchange for a guaranteed delivery of fresh organic produce and fish.

Aquaponics Greenhouse Kit

After working for years in Afghanistan, Jim Frasche began developing an aquaponics greenhouse in Colorado for communities in both Denver and Kabul (similar high altitude, cold climate regions) where local food wasn't always readily accessible.

He sells his 500-square-foot aquaponics greenhouse for $25,000 (via Turnkey Aquaponics), but this is an income-producing garden. "Based on allocating a certain square footage of productivity to growing cash crops which you would sell to restaurants or food wholesalers you can cash flow a structure like this in about 2 years while still feeding a family of four."

The price may be steep, but Frasche explains the idea is to qualify for a loan based on the payback period of the greenhouse.

Turnkey Aquaponics:

* Filmed by Johnny Sanphillippo -- more of his stories about urbanism, adaptation & resilience:

Original story:

Aquaponics Made Easy

This is a teaser to Murray Hallam's complete DVD to making your own Aquaponics system, from either a kit or recycled bathtubs. Murray will demystify the dark arts of growing fish and vegetables organically.

More info:

Shrimp and Vegetables

and human Symbiotic relationship