Lorne Main : 1920-2019

Lorne at the Longboat Key Public Tennis Centre tournament

Lorne Main was a frequent winter visitor to Sarasota and played his tennis at Payne Park and at multiple venues throughout the area often in doubles matches with partners of ability much less than his. Lorne was a sweetheart of a guy - someone who would play with anyone, feeding little tips on how to play the game a little better while occupying more than his fair share of the rallies.

As players switched ends and rested on the benches, Lorne would lean on a net post with his elbow telling stories of his adventures - usually in a self-deprecating way.

One famous story was about the 100th anniversary of the Monte Carlo Open which Lorne won in 1954. As an amateur in those days, al he won was a trophy and a handshake from Prince Rainier... but he was invited back to the 100th Anniversary to be announced to the crowd along with other greats. He tells the story that the announcements went: 'Rod Laver' big round of applause, Roy Emerson, big round of applause, Lorne Main and the crowd in unison said 'who'?

Lorne traveled to Sarasota usually driving overnight and during his time in Sarasota stayed at the home of anyone who would have him! On one famous occasion, in later years, he fell asleep at the wheel and that was the end of his green convertible and the long drives he made without an overnight break.

On one occasion he was stopped at the Canadian border in the early hours of the morning and questioned about his journey. A small black book had coaching appointments and income listed and he was asked if he worked, illegally, while in the US. The border guard ran a computer check and found a parking ticket from several years ago Lorne had not paid and the upshot was he was sent back across the border into Canada... but he drove many miles to another checkpoint and this time sailed through without being stopped.

Lorne was what the British call 'cheeky' and usually had a glint in his eye when hitting that passing shot sending you the wrong way or coolly dropping the ball over the net beyond reach.

He didn't practice overly much - but I do remember him asking me how I trained. Embarrassingly, I told him I didn't and he was surprised. He told me he jumped rope for 20 minutes and served 150 balls every day. That was when he was in his late 70's. Once he asked me to hit with him for half an hour. He wanted to practice his lobbing and for 30 minutes we hit lobs back and forth trying to get the ball to land within 2ft of the baseline. Lorne was incredibly accurate and I think this is the only time I have ever done this! Lorne then went across the road and had his usual lunch - a Dairy Queen Chocolate Malt milkshake. Living 'high on the hog'!

in 2016 Lorne married Adrienne Avis and went to live in Australia for a while and he was missed at Payne Park. But he did return with Adrienne for a tournament at Longboat Key Public Tennis Center.

Lorne was an icon at Payne Park and he left an indelible mark on those who met him.