Payne Park meeting minutes - January 16th, 2015

Post date: 08-Feb-2015 03:27:32

Payne Park Tennis Center Town Hall meeting - Jan. 16,2015

Staff in attendance: Sean Rogers (Program Coordinator), Leo Brinetti (Skilled Trades Worker), Andrea King (Recreation Supervisor), Jim Wormley (Recreation Manager)

Shared information

*Membership has grown from 65-75 to 120

*We are city owned, county operated facility. The city's parks advisory board meets the 3rd Thursday every other month at City Hall. The county has a $5,000 cap/year for capital expenses. Any additional capital expenses fall to the city.

*The irrigation system is failing (21 years old). The courts are being hand watered now as a temporary fix. Have a quote and contractor ready to upgrade system. Waiting on city's finance dept. to have a contractor complete the needed work

*New trades worker (Leo) introduced. He has been trained on-site and will be taking courses (as they become available). He will be working through each court to take care of lines, etc. We received a new piece of equipment (roller) that will assist greatly.