Gifts and Donations

Payne Park users benefit, often unknowingly, from generous donations and gifts and it is hoped to list them here.

Often the giver or person donating something for the benefit of players, does not want to be recognised - but my belief is that it is important to recognise their selfless contribution.

Tax-payer dollars support the Tennis Center - but often there is a lack of funds and some things just make playing at Payne Park more comfortable.

Clem Hopp, a multiple World Champion in various age groups donated the foot washers near the exit. Thank you Clem for keeping our vehicles cleaner!

Clem Hopp
Shoe washer

Rose Waag donated all of the deluxe scoreboards and net-post tray tables which help us keep score and track of our knick-knacks, in memory of her husband Van Jones, who played high-level tennis. For many years, Rose organized a Ladies Group which played early morning, often using up to 11 courts.... that is some undertaking.

Rose presenting Sean Rogers with plaque in memory of her late husband, Van.