The Attacks on Abortion and Birth Control

Post date: Oct 4, 2011 11:27:43 PM

Ever since 1976 when the Hyde Amendment was passed, federal dollars (think Medicaid or health care for servicewomen) were forbidden to be used for abortions. The only exceptions currently recognized are cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment.

Back in April, the Republican controlled House passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood and the Senate voted it down. Now, Representative Cliff Stearns, a Republican from Ocala, Florida has his subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee investigating Planned Parenthood, supposedly because by paying for other services, federal funding frees up funds that can be used for abortion. According to the Anti-Abortion movement, the government is “indirectly” paying for abortions. Stearns wants an extensive list of documents from the last ten years. They want to shut down all access to abortion in America. Believe me, after that comes removing access to birth control. They are already setting up for that:

As The American Independent article of Sept. 10, 2011 reported, “The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recently released a 35-page comment (.pdf) to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services claiming that the agency’s recent decision to include birth control in its list of preventive care services violates the First Amendment’s religion clause.”

“You can help NOW" stop them. A small monthly contribution of $10, $25 or even $50 will make you a member of the Feminist Action Network (FAN) and a key contributor to NOW's fight in the ongoing ‘war against women.’”

I can’t believe it always someone from Florida leading the way in this war against women. If ever you thought your voice and vote didn’t matter, this situation should change your mind. We need you to speak out. Write letters to Congress and newspapers. Post comments on Facebook and online news sites.

To help Planned Parenthood keep functioning, visit and be sure to sign a letter to Rep. Stearns.