Pasco NOW Awards Lifetime Achievement Awards

Post date: Dec 4, 2014 11:02:24 PM

At our 25th Anniversary Luncheon, we recognized Dorris Kovalick and Doris Rosen with the Pasco NOW Lifetime achievement award for distinguished years of feminist advocacy and service.

In 1989, Dorris Kovalick put an ad in the paper inviting interested parties to her small New Port Richey home to reactivate Pasco County NOW. She couldn’t fit all the people who showed up in her house. For years, Dorris remained active. She answered the NOW phone, tracked NOW activities as our historian, and attended marches, rallies, etc. Dorris is still a member, but due to medical issues has relocated to Texas to be near family. They had to do a sales pitch to get her there, but the opportunity to vote for Wendy Davis clinched it. Alice, who checked in on Dorris on a regular basis, accepted the award on her behalf and will send it to her.

Doris Rosen was the glue that held Pasco NOW together during the lean years. She’s held every position in the book, multiple times, and sometimes all at the same time. Doris is probably the common thread for all the people who attended our luncheon. That says a lot. She’s devoted to NOW, our issues, and especially to reproductive justice. She’s run conferences, printed palm cards, helped in elections, even was a write in candidate. We can’t thank her enough for all she’s done.

Congratulations again to these two strong feminist Pasco NOW leaders.