This meeting thing

“It's a Blessing and a Curse, this meeting thing”

It's a blessing and a curse, this meeting thing

Don't tell me I look worse!

Losing weight? How perverse!

“Looking ready for your hearse!”

It's a blessing and a curse, this meeting thing.

Think I didn't strut my stuff before this meeting thing?

Give my hair a final puff?

Do I really look that rough?

The mirror's truth is pretty tough.

Think I didn't strut my stuff before this meeting thing?

“We're in it all together” at this meeting thing.

Words slip out, light as a feather.

Hearing this familiar blether

Not one soul, alone, can weather. No.

“We're in it all together” at this meeting thing.

I see you look in judgement at this meeting thing.

Smile with kindness, yes so well-meant

Pitying eyes – your message well sent

Got you! See that you are hell-bent

Not to look too hard in judgement at this meeting thing.

Should I stay or should I go to this meeting thing?

Friends will worry if it's no.

Strangers see those things that show!

Dragging leg and ... yes! I'm slow!!

Should I stay or should I go to this meeting thing?

So if it's yes, and I show at this meeting thing,

Please don't tell me what I know.

That I'm thinner. Shaky. Slow.

'Cos the next time I'll think “No”

Too much pain if I'm to show at this meeting thing.

It's a blessing and a curse, is this meeting thing.

I suppose we could do worse

Sit at home and write some verse

Slowly roll towards that hearse!


Let the blessing trump the curse at this meeting thing.