
english translation:

THEODORA, Novi Sad, Serbia, June, 2012.

Here is the english translation from her post from forum:

""My daughter is in yoga since she was 5 years old, now she is 22. When she was 17 she began to do guru seva ( in that time she received mantra too). As parents we dragged her to yoga and took her to seminars. What to say, what can brainwashing cause ( either to elder or young): her wish for 18th birthday was to go in Jadan on gurupurnima (and we fulfilled her wish???!!!) She didn't have a boyfriend for four years. Her arguments was that she doesn't need someone who eats meat because he will pollute her; she will end disappointed anyway; that boy should not drink alcohol because that will "delete" 6 months of meditation. And we listened to that for years.

In February last year I resigned from dydl ( with about 100 yoga friends from Novi Sad), but my daughter is still hesitating. My "husband" stayed. Till May I was trying to pull them out both, but when he subscribed the new membership and began with the opening of new yoga center in NS, I asked him for divorce.

Another family "broke". In June and July he was constantly in touch with XYZ by phone, and with yoga friends from SLO, CRO, even with Jadan. In September he became a "demonstrator" on yoga classes, and teacher in April (I'm not shore if he received or how the diploma).

I'm ashamed with the fact that there are dydl flyers in our stores ( we have a company), that they keep bringing new "victims" for scalps (he found a new "wife", and he was already with her in Strilky). When XYZ was in 2010 in Novi Sad, in our company, my husband humbly told him: "We don't need anything of this, we will transfer all to you" ( you can see about uor company on how much it can worth).

So, now I have 2 problems:

How can I pull out my child from a sect? (because new gurupurnima is coming)

How can I obtain something that belongs to me after 25 years of marriage, if I don't know what kind of instructions he gets?

My message for Roman is (although I'm sure he knows the way things are), if he will speak with XYZ, he should ask him WHAT ARE HIS PLANS WITH MY DAUGHTER? devi from Australia is my daughter's gurusister. Every woman who is "chosen" in the beginning has an older "sister" who is teaching her how to serve tea, how to put on shoes, carry the coat, serve food, even count money... Luckily, nothing bad happened to her, yet... She get the instruction from her "sister" to become a demonstrator, and she was for about 1 year. On Pašman she was chosen to do some photographs for dydl site ( some of them are still on the site - young karma yogis in action), and we were very stupid proud parents because of our daughter.

Thank you for opening this site and being every night with me while my family was falling apart.

(and I have no doubt that I made the wright decision, especially when you get a massage from a woman with bad experience that you should GET OUT YOUR CHILD IMMEDIATELY, AND A MOTHER SHOULD NOT GIVE UP THIS FIGHT

I've been trying for one year, but it's difficult for my daughter to cut off all the "connections", after so many years. Maybe I am trying in a wrong way...

SERBIAN ( original):

"Molim Vas da neko prevede na engleski....mogu da čitam,razumem...ali mi je teško da napišem

Moja ćerka je od svoje PETE godine u jogi.....sada ima 22.

Od svoje sedamnaeste je u "guru sevi".....(kada je primila i mantru). Mi smo je kao roditelji na jogu "dovukli" i vodili smo je na seminare....šta reći koje mere ide "ispiranje mozga" (i mladih i odraslih) kada je njena želja za osamnaesti rodjendan bila da ide u Jadan na guru purnimu. (i mi smo joj to ispunili (???!!!). Četiri godine nije imala momka.....".jer šta ce joj neko ko jede meso - taj neko će da je "uprlja", šta ce joj partner, kada će se ionako razočarati, ne treba da pije.....jer će joj to "obrisati" 6 meseci meditacije."...i sve ostalo što smo slušali godinama.

U februaru prošle godine ja istupam iz joge (zajedno sa stotinak drugara iz Novog Sada), ćerka je "neodlučna" dana današnjeg.....a "suprug" je ostao. Do maja sam se trudila da ih oboje "izvučem" iz joge, ali kada je on potpisao pristupnicu i počeo da otvara novi joga centar zamolila sam ga da nadje advokata da se razvedemo.

Još jedna porodica "razbijena"....U junu i julu je on bio non-stop na telefonskoj liniji sa joga drugarima iz SLO, CRO, pa čak i Jadana....postaje "demonstrator" na joga časovima od septembra, a od aprila i "instruktor" (ne znam samo da li je DHL-om primio diplomu).

Mene je sramota što se flajeri YIDL-a nalaze u našim radnjama, što se "nove žrtve" privode za šišanje (našao je "novu ženu" koju je već vodio u Strilky).....2010-te godine kada je Swamijem bio u Novom Sadu .....u našoj firmi mu je "ponizno izjavio"...."Nama ovo ništa ne treba....sve ćemo mi tebi prepisati"........(a vi pogledajte šta je trenutno imam dva problema....

Kako svoje dete da izvučem iz sekte? (jer ide "nova gurupurnima")

Kako da se izborim za nešto što pripada i meni posle 25 godina braka.....jer ne znam koje "instrukcije" dobija?

Romanu bih samo poručila (mada on ionako već zna "kako to ide")....ako vec planira telefonski razgovor sa Swamijem da ga pita ŠTA JE PLANIRAO DA RADI SA MOJIM DETETOM? devi iz Australije je "guru sestra" mojoj ćerki....svaka žena koja je "odabrana" ima svoju "stariju drugaricu" koja je u početku uči kako da služi čaj, obuva cipele, nosi kaput, služi hranu (broji novac....čak)....NA SREĆU....nije stigla do "naprednih lekcija".....iako je od sestre dobila instrukciju da postane demonstrator i to je bila skoro godinu Pašmanu je "bila odabrana" da uradi seriju fotografija za joga sajt (neke fotografije i dalje stoje na sajtu - mladi karma jogi na delu).....a mi smo bili GLUPI roditelji koji su ponosni na svoje dete.


(i nemam nikakve dileme u ispravnost svoje odluke, pogotovo ako od žene koja je imala "iskustvo" sa XYZ.....dobijete poruku


godinu dana to pokušavam, ali je i njoj teško da "prekine" veze posle toliko godina( a moguće je da to radim na pogrešan način)"