US, UK & Israel FAIL Jewish Test for Racism

Gideon Polya, “US, UK & Israel FAIL Jewish Test for Racism”, MWC News, 24 March 2006.

US, UK & Israel FAIL Jewish Test for Racism

THE RULER is responsible for the Ruled and indeed the Geneva Conventions make this quite clear in relation to the treatment of subject civilians in violently occupied countries - the Occupier is obliged to do everything in its power to preserve the health and life of the subject citizens (see: here ).

The post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable mortality) in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories now (mid-March 2006) total 0.3 million, 0.5 million and 1.8 million, respectively and the post-invasion under-5 infant mortality totals about 0.2 million, 0.4 million and 1.4 million, respectively (see MWC News ). The UK, the US, Israel and Coalition countries such as White Australia are demonstrably guilty of passive mass murder, passive genocide and egregious war crimes in the Asian countries these violently racist, dominantly European countries are currently occupying. Unfortunately, Israel and the US do not recognize the authority of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the ICC itself, while repeatedly apprised of Coalition war crimes (e.g. see MWC News ), evidently will not act.

The post-Jewish Holocaust position of Jews is that of "never again" and that ANY non-Jewish violence toward Jews is egregious racism. Those Jews and Gentiles (Goyim) who believe that "all men are created equal" will, of course, generalize this as follows: "any gratuitous foreign violence toward Jews, Arabs or indeed ANY PEOPLE is racism and proto-Nazism". This very reasonable generalization constitutes what can be called a "Jewish Test for Racism and Proto-Nazism". Another version of this Jewish Test involves substituting the words “Jew” or “Jewish” as appropriate in xenophobic statements by public figures (e.g. “ fanatical Islamic extremist terrorists threaten Western civilization” – if the outcome is apparently Anti-Semitic then the author has failed the Test. The leaders of the Coalition countries and indeed of Israel ALL fail the "Jewish Test for Racism and Proto-Nazism" through their xenophobic rhetoric and violent abuses of non-European subjects.

HOWEVER, how have Coalition countries and Israel been abusing their OWN CITIZENS?

Israel clearly treats its Arab citizens in a racist, offensive and discriminatory fashion. However Israel ALSO violates the rights of its Jewish citizens through a deliberate policy of exacerbating Arab anger and hence effectively promoting Arab violence in order to "justify" the continuation of the racist, genocidal, Zionist occupation of ALL Palestine. The US-led Coalition countries are also complicit in avoidable deaths of their OWN citizens through the post-2001 invasion restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry. Since 2001 there have been about 0.4 million global drug deaths linked to US Coalition re-establishment of globally-dominant Afghan opium production (largely destroyed by the Taliban in 2000-2001 but 76% and 86% of global production in 2002 and 2004, respectively, after US Coalition invasion and conquest). About 1,600 of these 0.4 million post-2001, US Coalition-complicit, opioid-related deaths have been Australian, 1,200 Scots, 3,000 Canadian, 3,200 British and 50,000 American (see MWC News ).

Racist, lying, holocaust-denying Anglo-American, Australian and Israeli Mainstream Media simply IGNORE their national complicities in the passive murder of non-Europeans and indeed of their OWN citizens. However there is an interesting partial exception in mainstream media indignation over the deadly TARDINESS of the Bush Administration in response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster. It is useful to compare this US Administration failure with responses elsewhere to hurricane disasters.

Northern Queensland, Australia, has just suffered a major Category 5 cyclone disaster (March 2006). It is useful to COMPARE how the incompetent and racist Bush Administration responded to Hurricane Katrina hitting the major US city of New Orleans with how the small country Australia responded to the Category 5 cyclones Tracey (December 1974) and Larry (March 2006) that devastated towns in Northern Australia

There were NO casualties from Category 5 Cyclone Larry in extremely remote North Queensland (March, 2006) (due to well-publicized prior warnings) and there was an immediate national emergency response (that had been emplaced before the cyclone actual hit). There were inevitable shortcomings (mainly due to huge floods) but even the Prime Minister (a fanatical Bush supporter) left his 2 week "photo opportunity" kissing athletes at the Commonwealth Games to visit the disaster area, get photographed, promise generous aid, consult with the State Premier, send in the army - and then return immediately to Melbourne in time to congratulate the Gold Medal winning Australia basketball team and, of course, kiss top Seattle Storm WNBA player, Australian star Lauren Jackson (necessarily on tip toes because the so-called “Man of Steel” who looks great dressed in full military armour when visiting Iraq is actually quite short) (see: here ).

A more relevant comparison was Cyclone Tracey - possibly Category 5 when it hit the extremely remote city of Darwin in the Northern Territory on December 24-25 1974 (there were about 44,000 people remaining in the city at the time; 70% of homes were destroyed; 71 people died; but there were essentially NO post-cyclone deaths due to an immediate national emergency response) (see: here & here ).

In comparison, New Orleans was a tragic débacle due to the incompetence and evident intrinsic racism of the Bush Administration. Systematic door-to-door emergency searches for survivors (i.e. by just knocking on the front door and going away if no one responded) only commenced 7 (SEVEN) DAYS after the Category 5 Hurricane Katrina hit. Several thousand died AFTER the hurricane hit (if we are to believe the US Administration accounting). The US Administration was clearly complicit in the passive murder of mainly Afro-American and elderly Americans in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina – while the whole world was watching. Thus the Vendée Globe round-the-world yacht race organizers warned participants that when the temperature is 30 degrees C (86 degrees F) you cannot last more than 3 (THREE) DAYS without fresh water. The daytime temperature in flooded New Orleans was up to 35 degrees C (95 degrees F) in the week after Hurricane Katrina i.e. Bush and Company simply LET THEM DIE (see MWC News ).

Bush and his gang should be INDICTED not only for the avoidable deaths of their OWN American citizens in New Orleans (mostly elderly and Afro-American citizens).– but ALSO for 2.3 million excess post-invasion Iraqi and Afghan deaths and 0.4 million post-2001 opioid drug-related deaths (50,000 such post-2001 opioid drug deaths in the US alone due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry) (see MWC News ).

The US, UK, White Australia, the other Coalition countries and Israel ALL fail the "Jewish Test for Racism and Proto-Nazism" through the huge passive murder of their ARAB and other subjects in gross violation of the Geneva Conventions. ANYONE aware of these obscenities who purchases goods and services from these egregiously racist countries becomes COMPLICIT in their crimes against humanity. INFORMING OTHERS and "free market choice" SANCTIONS AND BOYCOTTS are the only sensible ways by which decent, peace-loving people around the world can bring a stop to the horrendous, continuing, racist crimes of the globally dominant US Empire.