40 years years of Occupation of Palestine & Cruelty. Apartheid Israel's 40th Anniversary

Gideon Polya, “40 years of Occupation of Palestine & Cruelty. Apartheid Israel's 40th Anniversary”, MWC News, 3 June 2007: https://sites.google.com/site/palestinegenocideessays/40-years

40 years of Occupation of Palestine & Cruelty. Apartheid Israel's 40th Anniversary

JUNE 5th marks the 40th anniversary of the illegal and planned Israeli invasion of Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967 and the commencement of the 40 year abusive, illegal and war criminal occupation of what has become a Palestinian Prison, an Apartheid Israel-run Open Concentration Camp for Palestinians.

The Zionist asserted "justification" for the initial criminal invasion and Occupation was "threat". However a recent article by Stephen Lendman in Rense.com contains revealing quotes from top Israeli politicians and generals indicating that there was no threat and that the invasion and occupation had been long planned.

Two time Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (1974 - 77 and 1992 - 95) told French newspaper Le Monde in February, 1968: "I do not believe Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on May 14 would not have been enough to unleash an offense against Israel. He knew it and we knew it."

General Mordechai Hod, Commander of the Israeli Air Force during the Six-Day War said in 1978: "Sixteen years of planning had gone into those initial eighty minutes. We lived with the plan, we slept on the plan, we ate the plan. Constantly we perfected it."

General Haim Barlev, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Chief told Ma'ariv in April, 1972: "We were not threatened with genocide on the eve of the six-day war, and we had never thought of such a possibility."

The human cost of this carefully planned, criminal act of Israeli State Terrorism - and its continuance through US-Israeli State Terrorism- has been catastrophic for the conquered, kidnapped Palestinians subject to 40 years of abusive occupation: the post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in the Occupied Palestinian Territory now total 0.3 million and the post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million; Palestinian refugees now total about 7 million with 4.2 million registered with the UN in the Middle East; US- and UK-backed, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, Zionist run Apartheid Israel is passively killing about 7 Palestinian infants daily through war criminal non-supply of life-sustaining requisites to the OPT (UN Population Division, UNHCR and UNICEF data: for detailed analysis, Below is a detailed summary of this countinuing horrendous abuse of humanity and International Law by Apartheid Israel:

1. Post-invasion excess deaths and infant deaths. UN Population Division data indicate that the post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) total 0.3 million and the post-invasion under-5 infant deaths (largely avoidable) total 0.2 million.

Articles 38, 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Civilian Persons in Time of War make it absolutely clear that an Occupier must do everything in its power to preserve the health and lives of its conquered subjects – and especially of Children and Mothers. Three quarters of the Palestinians are Women and Children.

2. Annual avoidable under-5 infant deaths in the OPT. The latest UNICEF data (2005 figures) inform that the "annual under-5 infant death rate" in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) is 23 deaths/1,000 births as compared to 6 in Israel proper and in Australia. Accordingly the "annual avoidable under-5 infant death rate" is 23 – 6 = 17 deaths/1,000 births.

UN Population Division data indicate that the population of the OPT is 3,762,000 and the annual birth rate is 37.5/1,000 of population. Accordingly the annual number of births is 37.5 x 3,762 = 141,075.

Accordingly we can calculate that the "annual under-5 infant deaths" in the OPT = 23 x 141.075 = 3,245 and that the "AVOIDABLE annual under-5 infant deaths" in the OPT = 17 x 141.075 = 2,398.

3. Israeli victims of Palestinians according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that "from 1920 through 1999, a total of 2,580 residents of Mandatory Palestine and, since 1948, the State of Israel fell victims to hostile enemy action; in most cases, terrorist attacks" and "1,130 people have been killed by Palestinian violence and terrorism since September 2000." Deducting the pre-1949 deaths specified on this site yields post-1948 Israeli deaths from "terrorism" as 2,646. Thus each year nearly as many Occupied Palestinian under-5 year old infants die aviodabaly (2,400) as have Israeli victims of "terrorism" over the last sixty years (2,600) (for a detailed analysis see MWC News ).

4. Current homicide rate in the Holy Land. Notwithstanding racist, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream media "terrorism hysteria", about 80% of homicides in the Holy Land each year are committed by Israelis (for a detailed and documented analysis see MWC News).

5. Refugees. The latest information from the world's premier refugee care agency, the UNHCR indicates 4.2 million UN-registered Palestinian refugees in the Middle East alone. Israel continues to violate UN Resolution 194 for refugee return. There are some 7 million Palestinian refugees of which 4.2 million are actually registered with the UN.

6. Intifada deaths. The Israeli Human Rights group B'tselem estimates that so far (30 April 2007) since September 2000, about 4,100 Palestinians have been killed by Israelis (about 1/5 children) and about 1,000 Israelis (military and civilians) by Palestinians.

7. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Christians. According to a report in leading Australian newspaper The Age: "Melbourne academic Abe Ata says there were 400,000 Palestinian Christians in 1948; today there are 60,000, and falling fast " i.e. a 85% decrease tantamount to Genocide as defined by the UN Genocide Convention.

8. Annual under-5 infant death rates. The "annual under-5 infant death rate" (2003) was 0.5% (OPT) as compared to 0.1% (occupier Israel) (UN Population Division data).

9. Traumatizing of Palestinian Children. According to UNICEF , in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: "Landmines and other unexploded ordnance are an ongoing threat to children; chronic malnutrition affects nearly 10 per cent of children under age five. The situation is most acute in Gaza, where 50,000 children are malnourished; about half of children under age two are anaemic and 70 per cent have vitamin A deficiency …children in nearly a third of all families experience anxiety, phobia or depression".

10. Occupied Palestine in the wider context of Zionist promoted Western anti-Arab anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and "democratic imperialism" (democratic tyranny, democratic Nazism). Post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories now total 0.3 million, 1.0 million and 2.4 million, respectively (mostly Women and Children), these figures being consonant with post-invasion under-5 infant deaths of 0.2 million, 0.5 million and 1.9 million, respectively; there are 7 million Palestinian refugees (4.2 million UN registered), 4 million Iraqi refugees and 3.7 million Afghan refugees (UN Population Division and medical literature data; for details and documentation see MWC News .

The Invasion was long pre-planned and in gross violation of International Law; the Occupation has involved gross violation of International law, major Humanitarian Conventions, and numerous UN Resolutions. This continuing illegal, abusive and deadly Occupation is a blot on Humanity and calls for urgent, comprehensive intra-national and inter-national sanctions and boycotts against Zionist-run Israel and its racist, anti-Arab anti-semitic and Islamophobic western backers. British academics have now voted for sanctions and boycotts.