Palestinian/Israeli Death Ratios. Indigenous/Invader Death Ratios Reveal Nazi-style Israeli Gaza War Crimes
Gideon Polya, “Palestinian/Israeli Death Ratios. Death Ratios Reveal Nazi-style Israeli Gaza War Crimes”, MWC News, submitted 10 January 2009.
Palestinian/Israeli Death Ratios. Indigenous/Invader Death Ratios Reveal Nazi-style Israeli Gaza War Crimes
The World is shocked by the carnage of the Israeli Gaza Massacre but the full horror of this Nazi-style Israeli Gaza Atrocity is revealed by careful analysis of Palestinian/Israeli death ratios.
The following numbers are from the UN Population Division, UNICEF, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Israeli Human Rights organization B'Tselem and current news reports (updated as of 10 January 2008).
A. Current Gaza Massacre (27 December – 10 January 2009).
Israelis killed by Gaza rockets = 4 (current violence, Day 14).
Israelis killed by Palestinians = 6 (current violence, Day 14).
Palestinians killed by Israelis = 810 (current violence, Day 14).
Palestinian non-violent deaths due to food and medical deprivation (UNICEF data-derived pre-2009 rate 11.7 per day) = 164.
Palestinian violent and non-violent excess deaths (lower estimate) = 810 + 164 = 974.
Palestinian non-violent deaths from deprivation (non-violent deaths 1:1 with violent deaths in Occupied Iraq) = 810 (current violence, Day 14).
Palestinian violent and non-violent excess deaths (upper estimate) = 810 + 810 = 1,620 (upper estimate, Day 14).
DEATH RATIO of Palestinians violently killed by Israelis/ Israeli deaths from missiles = 810/4 = 203.
DEATH RATIO of Palestinians violently killed by Israelis/ Israeli deaths by Palestinians = 810/6 = 135.
DEATH RATIO of total Palestinian deaths from Israelis/Israeli deaths from missiles = 974/4 = 244 (lower estimate) to 1,620/4 = 405 (upper estimate).
DEATH RATIO of total Palestinian deaths from Israelis/Israeli deaths = 974/6 = 162 (lower estimate) to 1,620/6 = 270 (upper estimate).
B. Second Intifada (September 2000 – January 2009).
Israelis killed by Gaza missiles (i.e. Gaza rockets or mortars) = 28.
Israelis killed by Palestinians = 1,176 (Sep 2000-Dec 2008) + 6 (current violence, Day 14) = 1,182 .
Palestinians killed by Israelis = 4,826 (Sep 2000-Dec 2008) + 810 (current violence, Day 14) = 5,636.
Israeli non-violent excess deaths (Sep 2000- Jan 2009) = 0.
Palestinian non-violent excess deaths from food and medical deprivation (Sep 2000- Dec 2008; UNICEF data-derived) = 35, 360.
Palestinian violent and non-violent excess deaths (Sep 2000- Jan 2009) = 35,360 + 5,636 = 40,996 (lower estimate) to 41,806 (upper estimate).
DEATH RATIO of Palestinians violently killed by Israelis /Israelis killed by Gaza missiles = 5,636/28 = 201.
DEATH RATIO of Palestinian violent and non-violent excess deaths/ Israelis killed by Gaza missiles = 40,996/28 = 1,298 (lower estimate) to 41,806/28 = 1,321.
DEATH RATIO of Palestinians violently killed by Israelis/Israelis killed by Palestinians = 5,636/1,182 = 4.8.
DEATH RATIO of Palestinian violent and non-violent excess deaths from Israelis/ Israelis killed by Palestinians = 40,996/1,182 = 34.7 (lower estimate) to 41,806/1,182 = 35.4 (higher estimate) i.e. about 35.
C. Post-1967.
Israelis killed by Palestinians (1967-2009) = 987 (1967-Sep 2000) + 1,182 (Sep 2000-Jan 2009) = 2,169 (1967-Jan 2009).
Israeli non-violent excess deaths (1967-Jan 2009) = 0.
Palestinians violently killed by Israelis (1967-2009) = 5,636 (Sep 2000-Jan 2009) + POSSIBLY about 5,000 (1967-Sep 2000) = 10, 636.
Palestinian non-violent excess deaths from food and medical deprivation by Israelis (post-1967) = about 300,000.
Palestinian violent and non-violent excess deaths (post-1967) = 300,000 + 10,636 = 310,636.
DEATH RATIO of Palestinians violently killed by Israelis/Israelis killed by Palestinians = 10,636/2,169 = 4.9.
DEATH RATIO of Palestinian violent and non-violent excess deaths from Israelis/Israelis killed by Palestinians = 310,636/2,169 = 143.
The post-1967 under-5 infant deaths in the Occupied Palestinian Territory total 0.2 million (80% avoidable and due to war criminal Occupier non-provision of life-sustaining requisites unequivocally demanded of Occupiers by Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Comparative UNICEF data indicate that 2,400 under-5 year old infants die avoidably each year (3,000 in total each year) in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, this corresponding to about 4,300 total avoidable deaths in the Occupied Palestinian Territory annually. The current devastation of the Gaza Concentration Camp part of Occupied Palestinian Territory (1.5 million people in Gaza out of the Occupied Palestinian Territory total population of 4 million , 50% children, 75% women and children) suggests that this will rise hugely in the future on the basis of Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan comparisons.
D. Comparisons.
a. US Alliance (US, UK, White Australia) war crimes in Occupied Iraq.
Occupied Iraq (Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide) – post-invasion violent deaths 1 million; post-invasion non-violent excess deaths 1 million; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths 0.6 million; 6 million refugees; Allied deaths 4,540.
DEATH RATIO of violent Iraqi deaths /Allied deaths = 1 million/4,540 = 220.
DEATH RATIO of violent and non-violent Iraqi deaths 2 million/4,540 = 440.
b. US Alliance (US, UK, White Australia and NATO) war crimes in Occupied Afghanistan.
Occupied Afghanistan (Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide) – post-invasion non-violent excess deaths about 4 million; post-invasion violent deaths possibly about 2 million; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths 2.1 million; refugees 4 million; Allied deaths 1,053.
DEATH RATIO of violent Afghan deaths/Allied deaths = 2 million/1.053 = 1,899.
DEATH RATIO of violent and non-violent Afghan excess deaths = 6 million/1,053 = 5,698.
c. Japanese war crimes in World War 2.
The “annual death rate” is 1.6% for Occupied Palestinian Territory under-5 year old infants (3,000 deaths annually, 187,000 under-5 year old infants), 2.5% for Occupied Iraqi under-5 year old infants and 6.3% for under-5 year old Occupied Afghanistan infants - as compared to 10.2% for Australia prisoners of war of the Japanese in World War 2 (for which war crime Japanese generals were tried and hanged).
d. Nazi German war crimes in World War 2.
On 23 March 1944 Adolph Hitler ordered a reprisals “death ratio” of 10 in response the killing of 33 Germans in Rome. The war criminal order was carried out on 24 March 1944 with the Nazi German execution of 335 Italian men and boys in the Ardeatine Caves Massacre (335/33 = 10).
e. British crimes in the 2 century Indian Holocaust, Indian Mutiny reprisals and the World War 2 Bengali Holocaust.
British war crimes in India – and in particular Churchill’s crimes – have been largely white-washed from history books in the English-speaking world. Excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that should not have happened) totalled 1.8 billion in 2 centuries of carnage in British India that culminated in the 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust, a man-made famine in which British PM Winston Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death (see “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” by Gideon Polya; “A Short History of Asia” by Colin Mason; “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” by Gideon Polya). However the recent book “War of Civilisations: India AD 1857” by Amaresh Misra (launched by the Vice-President of India) estimates that the British murdered 10 million Indians in reprisals for the 1857 Indian Mutiny in which 2,000 British troops and civilians were killed by Indians (see Keith Grint’s recent book “The Arts of Leadership”, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp140-141 – an Indigenous/Invader reprisals DEATH RATIO of 5,000.
The Gaza Strip is a self-governing Apartheid Israeli Concentration Camp ruled by the Hamas Government which won 76 out of 132 seats in the Occupied Palestinian Parliamentary elections held under Israeli guns in 2006. The Israelis responded by arresting as many Hamas MPs as they could find , the remainder fleeing to Gaza. In the current Israeli Gaza Massacre, the Israelis are evidently bent on “finishing the job” (they have already destroyed the Gaza Parliament House). The war criminal, pro-Zionist Western backers of Apartheid Israel, followed suit by declaring the democratically elected Hamas MPs to be “terrorists”.
The ostensible excuse for Apartheid Israel’s current Gaza Massacre is “Gaza rocket terror”. However “terror” is directly proportional to “proportion of people killed” and the ACTUAL number of Israelis killed by Gaza rockets and mortars since the start of the Second Intifada 8.25 years ago is TWENTY EIGHT (28), this corresponding to a 21st century “annual homicide rate” in units of persons killed per million per year of 0.5 (Israelis killed by Gaza missiles) – as compared to 15 (Israelis by Israelis), 56 (Americans), 100 (Americans by guns), 164 (Palestinians killed violently by Israelis), 200 (African-Americans), 473 (citizens of Detroit, Michigan, USA) and 902 per million per year (annual Palestinian non-violent deaths through war criminal, Geneva Convention-violating Israeli-imposed deprivation).
The above REALITIES show that Apartheid Israel and racist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, pro-Zionist Mainstream media and politicians in the Western Murdochracies are simply and blatantly LYING about “Hamas terror” and “Gaza rocket terror”. Clearly, indiscriminate firing of missiles is WRONG and should STOP – indeed the greatest danger from such acts has been from the horrendous, disproportionate, war criminal attacks by the Israelis on Gaza, one of the most the densely populated urban areas of the Planet.
Rational analysis indicates that the “annual death rate” of Israelis from Gaza missiles is about ONE THOUSAND (1,000) times LOWER than the “annual homicide rate” in Detroit, Michigan, USA – it would be crazy, racist and utterly EVIL to suggest that African-Americans should be listed as “terrorists” and African-American suburbs sealed off as Concentration Camps, shelled by the US Navy and Army and bombed with high explosive bombs and rockets, cluster bombs and phosphorus bombs by the US Air Force.
America and the World have acutely serious problems to face including the Climate Emergency (how to convert rapidly to a non-carbon economy and reduce atmospheric CO2 to less than 350 parts per million), global poverty (from which 16 million people die avoidably every year) and the mounting economic crisis. These problems must be addressed by rational risk management that successively involves (a) accurate data, (b) scientific analysis and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk to humanity.
Unfortunately this rational risk management protocol is grossly perverted by Mainstream media and politicians in the pro-Zionist Western Murdochracies through (a) lying and censorship, (b) anti-science spin and (c) utterly counter-productive “blame and shame” with war and violence the worst outcomes as in the current, ongoing, Zionist-promoted Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide. Post-invasion excess deaths in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories now total 0.3 million, 2 million and 4-6 million, respectively; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million, 0.6 million and 2.1 million, respectively; and refugees total 7 million, 6 million and 4 million, respectively.
Of all the crimes of the racist Zionists (RZs) and their mass murdering, racist, genocidal Bush-ite and neo-Bush-ite supporters it is fundamentally their LYING that has been most serious for the World as a whole. Thus the World faces a Climate Emergency and an urgent need to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration to below 350 parts per million. Yet due to Zionist-backed Bush-ite and neo-Bush-ite climate sceptic governments the World is simply NOT responding to the emergency. According to top scientists Drs Anderson and Bows at the UK Tyndall Institute, University of Manchester, and published in the prestigious Philosophical Transactions of the UK Royal Society, given political and economic realities it may be effectively too late to avoid catastrophic 650 parts per million atmospheric CO2 and an accompanying over 2 degrees C warming. Top UK climate scientist Professor James Lovelock has stated that only 500 million people will survive the looming climate genocide cataclysm due to unaddressed global warming.
The horrendous devastation and appalling Nazi-style Apartheid Israeli reprisals on the essentially defenceless Gaza Concentration Camp have horrified the World. The UN Security Council has demanded that the Israelis stop (the US abstained from the vote) – but US-backed Apartheid Israel has rejected this UN Security Council Resolution just as it has rejected numerous other UN Resolutions, including the 1968 UN Security Council Resolution 352 demanding that it surrender ALL conquered territory.
However the World now has the power to act against this mass-murdering, racist, neo-Nazi, nuclear terrorist state, Apartheid Israel, through the UN and DESPITE the support for Apartheid Israel from the US. According to UN General Assembly Resolution 377 , emergency special sessions of the General Assembly are warranted to act when the Security Council “fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.”
The World must act to STOP the current carnage of the Gaza Massacre and the ongoing illegal and abusive Israeli Occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and CAN act by (a) progressive shut-down of oil production by Arab, Muslim and other countries; (b) Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel and its US, UK, EU and White Australia backers (a mechanism that was ultimately successful in removing the US-, UK-. White Australia- and Apartheid Israel-backed Apartheid regime in South Africa); (c) direct action against Apartheid Israel by the UN General Assembly through UN Resolution 377; and (d) zero tolerance for LYING, and particularly lying by the racist Zionist (RZ)-backed, climate criminal Bush-ites that threaten not just Arabs in the Middle East but every person on Earth.
Detailed documentation of data sources for this article can be found in “Indigenous/Invader death ratios in Indian Mutiny (5,000), by Nazis (10) & Israeli Gaza Massacre” : and in various articles in MWC News (see: ), notably “9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: millions dead (9-11 million) in Bush Wars (1990-2008)”: .