Ritter's Star
Class: M7 Main Sequence Star
Stability: 92%
No. of Planets and belts: 16
Blake's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Edward's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Greg's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Ritter's Rockhole - Inhabitable Solid
Belt A
Belt B
Primakov's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Tan's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Barnacle Bob's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Robb's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
King of Soul - Uninhabitable Solid [Satellites = 2]
Yabba - Uninhabitable Solid
Dabba - Uninhabitable Solid
Doo - Uninhabitable Solid
Fred's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Wilma's Rockhole - Uninhabitable Solid
Ritter's Rockhole - 4th planet orbiting Ritter's Star
Map of Ritter's Rockhole
Ritter's Rockhole (4th Planet)
Orbit: 69
Type: Solid, Normal
Gravity: 0.5801831
Length of Day: 52.8 Hours
Length of Year: 215.8 Local Days [Earth Year = 1.3]
Average Temperature: 22 o C
Axial Tilt: 6 o
Diameter: 1852.547 km
Hydrosphere: 68%/Water
Atmospheric Density/Weather/Pressure: 25%/Moderate Weather/1.08
Climate/Terrain: Warm/Hills
Population: 40% Dralasites, 28% Humma, 20% Yazirian, 12% Others
Description :
Mapped and named by an independent explorer team, Ritter's Rockhole is the only habitable planet of this star system. Brownish clouds obscure part of the reddish hilly surface. There are a great number of cities found by the edge of the largest sea called Symphalia Ocean. Of note is the beautiful Dralasite city of Dondar that is built within a huge natural formation of reddish crystals. Further inland, the terrain is mountainous or often interrupted by jagged and treacherous badlands of shattered red crystals. There are the small pockets of forests bearing tall reddish/orange leaves (about the size of a human palm) having the uncanny shape of that of snowflakes. Standing within these forests could easily fool a human into reminiscing of autumn days back on Terra; or when the leaves start falling to the ground during the hottest days - a winter day back on Terra.
The Symphalia Ocean - the vast sea south and south-east of Dondar and Jodal, provides the main source of food for Ritter's Rockhole - and it is viciously fished by great fleets. Fortunately, the main food source (which incidentally looks like a giant purple salmon) called "Shalvars" breed very fast to replenish the food supply.
History :
Upon finding a route to the Palalyrn Cluster 150 years ago, Ritter's Star was the next star system that was explored a short 6 months after Holm was discovered. And what a discovery awaited the UPF Trustworthy - commanded by Major Anson Ritter. The discovery team could not believe their eyes when they found 14 planets and 2 asteroid belts orbiting the star (christened Ritter's Star). Almost all the planets were laden with minerals and heavy metals - a mining treasure trove. The greatest gift perhaps was the beautiful planet of Ritter's Rockhole - replete with lush flora and fauna and covered by a beautiful ocean of fresh water!
Cities of Note (in order of population size) :
Dondar - Beautiful domed cystalline city (80% Dralasite)
Ritternia - Original settlement of colonial pre-fab structures located over a great urban sprawl (50% Dralasite, 35% Humma)
Jodal - Fishing Ports Haven (60% Dralasite, 25% Humma)
Hinn - Located at edge of Symphalia Ocean and Yazlo Forest (60% Yazirian, 30% Humma)
Keloran - Large agricultural city plagued by occasional raids of kelozurs (60% Yazirians, 25% Dralasite)
Shava - Small sized industrial city (Mixed race)
Yuran - Small sized city barely surviving on Shalvar Fishing (40% Dralasite, 40% Yazirian, 10% Humma)
Retrona - Tiny village near South Pole specializing in mining of rare minerals (50% Dralasite, 30% Yazirian, 15% Humma)
Adventure Hooks :
Fishy Business : Deep within the dark alleyways of Dondar is a criminal organization that has links with the evil Sathar. They are genetically altering the shalvars (purple salmons) so as to create chaos on the planet. The plans of this criminal organization might include producing a killer-type of shalvar and even going as far as making the shalvar poisonous to the general population or even worse - turning people who dine on the shalvars into Sathar slaves!
Kelo... Goodbye... : A large brood of kelozurs have been discovered in the mines of Retrona. These rare carnivorous insects are wreaking havoc and upsetting the daily mining activities. A task force has been set up to eliminate the kelozurs and pay is big. The Vrusk miners are none too happy about the "bug-hunt" (as the dralasites call them). Tempers are bound to flare in the frigid temperatures of the South Pole. Any volunteers?
Proton Fire : A huge raging fire goes out of control in the Yazlo Forest. The cause of the fire is a handful of mischievous Yazirian kids who happen to be missing at the heat of the moment. Their worried parents look to the heroes for help. The smoke... ahem.. plot... thickens when the adventurers discover that the kids have found an "alien device" that emits "globs of goo" which burst into flames. The device is actually an advanced lifeform that emits a "perfume" and has taken over the minds of the kids. Now how does one stop a raging forest fire and find the missing kids? Related topic: Yazlo Symbiote
Unique Flora and Fauna :