Class: G5 Giant (Yellow)
Stability: 76%
No. of Planets and Belts: 11
Hellhole, Uninhabitable Solid
Salm, Inhabitable Solid
Belt A
K'tree Mlik, Uninhabitable Gaseous [Satellites = 2, Rings = 1]
Belt B
Ponarr - Uninhabitable Solid
Gorfflu - Uninhabitable Solid
Niarma - Uninhabitable Solid
Plik - Uninhabitable Solid
Asma - Uninhabitable Solid
Niq'dra - Uninhabitable Solid
Salm - 2nd planet orbiting Aliby
Map of Salm
Salm (2nd Planet)
Orbit: 50
Type: Solid
Gravity: 0.7886
Length of Day: 110.4 Hours
Length of Year: 349.4 Local Days [Earth Year = 4.4]
Average Temperature: 45oC
Axial Tilt: 6o
Diameter: 3111.946 km
Hydrosphere: 4%/Water
Atmospheric Density/Weather/Pressure: 40%/Turbulent Weather/1.22
Climate/Terrain: Desert/Mountainous
Population: 50% Dralasites, 30% Yazirian, 10% Human, 10% Others
Assault Scout taking off with P'Salm dome in the background
Description: Salm is an arid planet enriched with important minerals. The general population is housed in two huge domed cities on Salm and they are located near the largest sea - named simply the North Polar Sea. The larger domed city is called P'Salm (built atop a high plateau). Both domed cities are cooled by using the cool water from the North Polar Sea. All interstellar ships are required by government law to dock in the Grand Space Dock located a few miles from P'Salm's dome. P'Salm is pictured in the drawing - You can see the North Polar Sea in the background as the Assault Frigate cruises out for a patrol.
The main mining stations are located in high mountains found at the equator. Travel to/from the equator is risky as pirates have built secret bases in well-hidden areas. These pirates constantly ambush shipment of ores and strand survivors on mountain peaks where they are left to die - bodies are normally found "baked" by the unrelenting Aliby sun (despite the great height and strong winds of the mountain range).
Cities of Note (in order of population size):
P'Salm - Large domed city and on its outskirts is the Grand Space Dock (50% Dralasite, 30% Yazirian)
T'Salm - Slightly smaller version of P'Salm. Very trendy and expensive place to live in (40% Dralasite, 40% Human, 5% Vrusk)
Fanno - New domed city with deep well for survival (50% Yazirian, 30% Human)
Tundh - Largest mining facility (Varies)
Zhera - Remote mining facility (Varies)
Krixar - Mining facility constantly plagued by pirates (Varies)
Adventure Hooks:
Walk the Plank: During a rampant pirate season, one of the larger mines has collapsed and many people are feared trapped. The heroes either volunteer to help or are part of the local rescue team. Along the way, the heroes are outnumbered by pirate ships and are required to evade them through a perilous chasm.
Id-napped: See a description and drawings of Dreebla.