Class: G9 Giant (Yellow)
Stability: 82%
No. of Planets and belts: 1 + 3
Jamayca - Inhabited Solid [Satellites = 2, Rings = 1]
RRS Class I - Olympium
Belt C1
Belt C2
Belt C3 - Jewels of Andrysa
Jamayca - 1st planet orbiting Creole
Map of Jamayca
Jamayca (1st planet)
Orbit: 64
Type: Solid
Gravity: 1.33752
Length of Day: 36.00 Hours
Length of Year: 719.9 Local Days [Earth Year = 2.19]
Average Temperature: 26oC
Axial Tilt: 4o
Diameter: 15163.908 km
Hydrosphere: 41%/Water
Atmospheric Density/Weather/Pressure: 17%/Moderate Weather/1.09
Climate/Terrain: Very Humid/Varies from mountainous to swampy
Population: Locals: 50% Humans, 30% Dralasite, 10% Yazirian, 5% Vrusk, 5% Others. Tourists: Mixed
Description: Creole has much to offer as a tourist and adventure paradise. It is not surprising to find the influx of tourists swelling all year round with visitors coming from all over the Frontier. The main attractions are Jamayca - the only planet of the system; the third asteroid belt - more commonly known as the Jewels of Andrysa; and the huge Rest and Relaxation Space Station (RRS Class I) - Olympium - that orbits halfway between Jamayca and the first asteroid belt.
Cities of Note (in order of population size):
Trynydad - The crowning jewel of Jamayca is the cosmopolitan city of Trynydad with its many towering argoplexes and underground habitations. Trynydad is reputed for "shopping, shopping, and shopping...". (Mixed)
Tohbaygo - The paradise and water sports sprawling city of Tohbaygo covers the entire Island of Ganjorrah. (Mixed)
Mentosa, Bermudah Peaks - Due to proximity, this large resort city is the starting point for expeditions into the Bermudah Peak for the mountain climbing-starved enthusiast. It is also a main stop for casino-crazed tourists. (Mixed)
Vallate, Bolishi, Rengal Reef - These two cities are huge ports with myriad hydrobubble-crafts and sub-jets routes that ply between them. The main attractions here are not landward, but the thriving underwater treasure known as Rengal Reef. Exotic reef fishes literally "light up" the beauty of the Reef. (Mixed)
Henson - A resplendent resort town catering to many varied tourist activities. (80% Humans, 20% Mixed)
Ricenta - Located near a massive swamp and jungle, this is a place visited by adventure-seekers and expedition enthusiasts. (Mixed)
Kerk-la'k - The only town catered entirely for Vrusks is a reputed vacation spot that "titillates and thrills" the senses of Vrusks. (95% Vrusk)
Grunhnad - A town boasting casinos with rare and specialized games of chance that will either make you rich or burn up all your credits. (Mixed)
Sleezer - A small town boasting nearby sprawling ruins left behind by the precursors. (Mixed)
Rigora - A cold and unattractive underground penal colony. (Mixed)
Adventure Hooks: Anything goes.
Unique Flora and Fauna: Varied.
The RRS Class I is the largest in the Palalyrn Cluster which was a huge construction project taking a century to design, plan, and complete. It consists of an extremely large circular ring that is kilometres in diameter. At the centre of the ring is a domed megapolis. Because of its gigantic size, this ring shaped station is known as the Olympium. The station is capable of housing a quarter of a million beings. There are many districts divided into levels, each catering to gambling, shopping, and relaxation. In fact, the Olympium logo boasts of its activities - "You name it, you'll find it here in Olympium - THE Ultimate Port-of-Call in the Palalyrn Cluster!"
Olympium - THE Ultimate Port-of-Call
Jewels of Andrysa
The Jewels contain beautiful blue crystalline asteroids that remain an anomaly of the Palalyrn Cluster. The largest asteroid is called Andrysania. No one can explain the creation of the Jewels; surveys to the asteroids are fraught with peril as maneuvering through them (let alone landing on them) is suicidal especially with the colossal collisions of the asteroids. Nevertheless, they have remained a sight that must be seen by all; tourists gawk and marvel at the beautiful sight of the floating crystal shards from tourism liners that ply the area. Scientists speculate that the asteroids continue to replenish themselves through an unknown mechanism in spite of the daily shattering of the Jewels.