

STR/STA    35/35          PS         3

DEX/RS     70/60          IM         7

INT/LOG    40/50          RW         35

PER/LDR    80/60          M          35


Dreebla grew up a spoilt child to the rich family Id-pair of Grongar and Drixar. Being the only child and enjoying the constant pampering by her parents, Dreebla, soon grew bored and rebellious. Born in an obscure town of Outer Reach in the Dramune System, Dreebla's family migrated to Starlark Megalopolis of Starlark in the Lantrey System found in the Palalyrn Cluster.

When she found it difficult to adjust in the prestigious Starlark University, Dreebla joined some bad company... the rest as they say is history.

At the young age of thirty, Dreebla joined a gang of punks and was easily exposed to booze and drugs. It was one clear Starlark night, Dreebla and her friends managed to squeeze their way into the rowdy "Rippin' Leapin' Stompin'" disco joint. There, Dreebla was hypnotized by the shock-rock music that was literally making the airwaves at the holo-stroboscoping disco floor.

Dreebla than decided to form her own band and started composing several shock-rock songs as her own repertoire. Soon, her band got a contract to perform at the sensonium disco for "Bigelow's Sensonium". And as her fame grew, more people flocked to hear the Dralasite Singing Sensation of Starlark.

Now at the age of 50, Dreebla has toured hundreds of cities through the Palalyrn Circuit Tour. Her fans has made her a cult symbol and always adore every minute of her on stage. There has been the occasional riff with her parents who continue to try to dissuade her from continuing her current ambitions and to give up all her bad habits - the type of news that make the tabloids happy.

Adventure Hook: (Reported live from P'Salm HyperDome) Dreebla, the Dralasite Singing Sensation was to perform her shock-rock style of songs at the P'Salm HyperDome before about 40,000 fans as she completes the final leg of her Palalyrn Cluster Tour. However, we have just received an anonymous tip-off that she has been kidnapped. As you can see in the camera behind me, the fans are getting unruly as they continue to chant for Dreebla. If nothing is done soon, we fear... (transmission interrupted - a picture of a terrified and sobbing Dreebla appears) ... "Please help me... they want to kill me... sob... please... give them the money..."