Articles on Ladino and Judeo-Spanish

Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald


The Pronunciation of 'ayin in the East-Ladino Speaking Communities. Lešonenu. 46: 1981, 72-75. (H) 

 The Historical Origin and Fusion of Hebrew Morphemes in Judeo-Spanish. Proceeding of the 8th World Congress of Jewish Studies (Division D). Jerusalem 1982, 63-67. (H)

 On Quantifying the Hebrew Words in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 33: 1982, 89-87. (H)

Hebrew Secret Expressions in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 33: 1982, 258-262. (H)

 Taboo, Death and Mourning Expressions in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 34: 1983, 203-214. Note and Correction. Lešonenu La'am 35: 1984, 64. (H)

Determining Criteria for the Fusion of the Hebrew-Aramaic Component in Judeo-Spanish. Milet 2: 1984 (Everyman's University Annual), 357-367. (H)

Studies in the Formation of the Hebrew Words in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu 48-49: 1985, 186-195. (H)

The Fusion of the Hebrew-Aramaic Lexical Component in Judeo-Spanish. Judeo-Romance Languages, edited by I. Benabu & J. Sermoneta, Jerusalem 1985, 139-159.

The Typology of the Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. Massorot 2: 1986, 103-118. (H)

 Bibliographical Survey of Pirke Aboth in Ladino Translations. Alei Sefer 12: 1986, 95-110. (H)

The Dialects Reflected in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Avot. Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies (Division D (1)) Jerusalem 1986, 139-146. (H)

 The Literature of the Jews of Greece - A Linguistic and Typological Survey. Pe'amim 30: 1987, 60-84. (H) (

 The Hebrew Words in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting (Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicii Israelensis, Studia II), Jerusalem 1988, 32-36. (H)

Hebrew Proper Names in Judeo-Spanish. Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 10: 1988, 94-109. (H)

Relations between Source and Translation (Rabbinic Hebrew and Ladino). Studies in the Hebrew Language and the Talmudic Literature (Moreshet Memorial Volume). Ramat Gan 1990, 175-186. (H)

The Hebrew Component in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 40-41: 1990, 326-330. (H)

The Words in the Judeo-Spanish Press from Greece. Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies (Division D, Volume 1) Jerusalem 1990, 205-212. (H)

Interpretation and Literalism in Ladino Translations. Recherches sur la Culture de Juifs d'Afrique du Nord, edite par I. Ben-Ami, Jerusalem 1991, 25-29. (H)

 La Haggada de Venise en ladino de 1609. Yod 33-34: 1991, 51-69.

The Venice 1601 Ladino Translation of Pirke Aboth. Folia Linguistica Historica xi(1-2): 1990[92], 131-145.

Language and Literature Types in Sefardic Jewry. Pe'amim 50: 1992, 4-28. (H) (

The pronunciation Tradition of Hebrew Names in a Roman Transliteration in the Ladino Translations of Ethics of the Fathers. Hebrew Linguistics 33-35: 1992, 195-208. (H)

Hebrew Images in Judeo-Spanish expressions and Idioms. MiQedem UmiYyam 5: 1992, 151-167. (H)

Morphological Aspects in the Development of Judeo-Spanish. Folia Linguistica xxvii(1-2): 1993, 27-44.

The Hebrew Component in Judeo-Spanish as Genre Dependent. Apirion 29: 1993, 34-41. (H)

Mixed Translation Patterns: The Ladino Translation of Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew Verbs. Target 5(1): 1993, 71-88.

Traducciones venecianas al Ladino (1601-1609) de Pirke Aboth y la Haggada. Proyeccion histrorica de Espaňa en sus tres culturas: Castilla y Leon, America y el Mediterraneo II (Lengua y literatura Espaňola e Hispanoamericana), Junta de Castilla y Leon 1993, 561-568.

Ladino Text and Additions in the Haggadah of Venice 1609. Massorot 8: 1994, 71-89. (H)

The Difference between Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth and the Haggadot. (History and Creativity In the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Communities, edited by T. Alexander, A. Haim, G. Hasan-Rokem and E. Hazan, Jerusalem 1994, 33-54. (H)

Towards a Typology of the Judeo-Spanish Folksong: Gerineldo and the Romance Model. Yuval: Jewish Oral Traditions: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Volume VI, Jerusalem 1994, 68-163 (with Tamar Alexander, Isaac Benabu, Yaacov Gelman, and Susana Weich-Shahak) [96-103 (Language), 111-161 (Appendices)].

 Judeo-Spanish (sub-entry of "Jewish Languages"), in the Supplementary volume III, Hebrew Encyclopaedia, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 1995, 1008-1010. (H)

Semitic Doubles in Hebrew and Ladino. Tendances Recentes en Linguistique Francaise et Generale - Volume dedie a Hommages David Gaatone, edite par H. Bat Zeev Shyldkrot & L. Kupferman, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 1995, 371-382.

Les tendances linguistiques du developpment des traductions en Ladino. Memoires juives d’Espagne et du Portugal, edite par E. Benbassa, Paris 1996, pp. 127-141.

Methodological problems in Comparing the Lexicon of the Ladino Haggadas. Hommage a Haim Vidal Sephiha, edite par Winfried Busse & Marie-Christine Varol-Bornes, Berlin 1996, pp. 359-372.

Linguistic Variations among Ladino Translations as Determined by Geographical, Temporal and Textual Factors. Folia Linguistica Historica XVII: 1996, pp. 57-72.

Expressions from the Haggadah in the Language of the Sephardic Jews. Massorot 9-11: 1997, p. 545-555. (H)

The Hebrew Component in the Ladino of the Sephardic Haggadahs. Ladinar: Studies in Literature, Music and History of the Ladino Speakers, edited by Shmuel Refael & Yehudith Dishon, Tel Aviv 1998, 61-78. (H)

Language Choice and Language Varieties Before and After the Expulsion. From Iberia to Diaspora: Studies in Sephardic History and Culture, edited by Yedida K. Stillman & Norman. Stillman. Leiden 1999, pp. 399-415.

A Few Notes on the Ladino Translations of the Passover Haggadah. Talpiot 11:1999-2000, pp. 152-160. (H)

Hierarchy among the Hebrew Elements in Ladino Translations as Determined by Geographical, Textual and Religious Factors. Vena Hebraica in Judaeorum Linguis, edited by Shelomo Morag, Moshe Bar-Asher, Maria Mayer-Modena, Milano 1999, 183-202.

Proper Names in Ladino Translations: Origin and Jewish Identity. Pe‘ amim 84: 1999, 66-77. (H) (

Judeo-Spanish Textbooks and the Spelling Issue: Some Thoughts in Connection with David Bunis’s Book “Judezmo”. Lešonenu La‘ am 51-52: 2001, 81-85. (H)

Judeo-Spanish Studies. Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies (ed. Martin Goodman). Oxford 2002, pp. 572-600.

The Influence of Internal and External Text Features on the Hebrew Words of Judeo-Spanish. Hebrew Linguistics 50-51:2002, 121-133. (H)

 A new look at the origin and transmission of the Ladino translations. Kol Yaacov: Bentolila Jubilee Book (ed. by Daniel Sivan and Pablo-Isaac Halevy-Kirchuk), Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press 2003, 359-369. (H)

Ladino Translation of Crypto Jews in Italy. HaLapid: The Journal of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies IX: 2004, pp. 1, 8‑9.

Spelling and Orthography in Ladino Translations of the 16th Century. Peamim 101‑102: 2005, pp. 173‑185. (H) (

Types of Passover Haggadoth in Ladino. Proceedings of the Thirteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies (London, 7-9 September 2003).  Department of Hispanic Studies, London 2006, pp. 105‑118.

 Géneros en judeoespañol según las caracteristicas externas e internas del texto. Ladinar (Actas del promer encuentro académico programático "El español saluda al judeoespañol (Ladino)") VI: 2006, pp. 57‑82.

Language Features of Ladino Translations across Time and Place. Phrasis (special issue: Translation as a Multi-Discipline) 46(2): 2006, pp. 41-51.

Le style du Me'am Lo'ez: une tradition linguistique. Yod (nouvelle série) 11/12: 2006-7, pp. 77-112.

The Study of Eastern Judeo‑Spanish. El Presente 1: 2007, pp. 149‑158. (H)

Traduksiones del Tanah i traduksion de la Megila de Ester al Ladino. Alegria de Purim, (Redaksion de Ben Sion Nahmias y Tamar Alexander). Beer Sheva: Gaon Center & Ben Gurion University Press 2007, pp. 70‑79. (JS+H, pp. 58‑64)

Linguistic Features in Zadiq Formon's Ladino Translation of Hovat Halevavot. Il mio cuore è a oriente. Studi di linguistica storica, filologia e cultura ebraica dedicati a Maria Luisa Mayer Modena (a cura di F. Aspesi, V. Brugnatelli, A.L. Callow, C. Rosenzweig). Milano: Cisalpino-Monduzzi 2008, pp. 561-579.

Between East and West: Differences between Ottoman and North African Judeo-Spanish Haggadoth. El Presente 2: 2008, pp. 223-241.

Judeo-Spanish Genres Based on Internal and External Textual Features. Languages and Literatures of Sephardic and Oriental Jews (ed. David M. Bunis). Jerusalem: Misgav Yerushalayim & Mosad Bialik 2009, pp. 62-77. (H)

First names in Sephardi communities. Pleasant Are Their Names: Jewish Names in the Sephardi Diaspora (ed. Aarom Demsky). Bethesda, Maryland, University Press of Maryland 2010, pp. 191-207.

Orthography and Pronunciation in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women. Massorot 15: 2010, pp. 173-203. (H)

Ladino Proverbs, Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World (EJIW), Vol. 4, edited by Norman Stillman, Boston, Brill 2010, pp. 121-124.

Unique Features of the Ladino Haggadah from a Women's Sixteenth Century SiddurMishnaic Hebrew and Related Fields: Studies in Honor of Shimon Sharvit (eds.  Ephraim Hazan & Zohar Livnat), Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University and The Ashkelom Academic College 2010, pp. 335-350. (H)

On the Jewish nature of Medieval Spanish biblical translations: Linguistic differences between medieval and post exilic Spanish translations. Sefarad 70: 2010, pp. 117-140.

Two Sixteenth Century Ladino Prayer Books for Women. European Judaism 43(2): 2010, pp. 37-51.

Explicit and Implicit Hebrew in Rabbinical Ladino. Ḥikrei Maʿarav U-Mizraḥ: Studies in Language, Literature and History Presented to Joseph Chetrit (eds. Yosef Tobi and Dennis Kurzon). Jerusalem: Carmel 2011, pp. 155-179. (H)

Lexical Variations in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women. El léxico sefardí. Lexicología y lexicografía judeoespañolas (eds. Winfried Busse & Michael Studemund-Halévy), Bern 2011, pp. 53-86.

"Ladino" and "Ladino Literature". The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism & Jewish Culture (ed. Judith Baskin), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011, pp. 363, 389-390.

Linguistic Features of a Sixteenth-Century Women’s Ladino Prayer Book: The Language Used for Instructions and Prayers. Selected Papers from the Fifteenth Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies (eds. Hilary Pomeroy, Chris J. Pountain & Elena Romero). London: Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London 2012, pp. 247-260.

The Relationship between Ladino Liturgical Texts and Spanish Bibles. The Hebrew Bible in Fifteenth-Century Spain: Exegesis, Literature, Philosophy and the Arts (eds. Jonathan Decter and Arturo Prats), Leiden and Boston: Brill 2012, pp. 223-243.

Discourse aspects in Meam Moez. To appear in a Jubilee book for Judith Dishon, edited by S. Refael and E. Hazan, Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University 2012, pp. 291-309. (H)

Las palabras hebreas en la prensa judeo-española en Grecia. Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del Cincuentenario de la AIH, vol. VIII Lengua (coord. Patrizia Botta y Sara Pastor), Roma: Bagatto Libri 2012, pp. 65-72.

Man and Woman in a Ladino Siddur from the Sixteenth Century. Ka'et 1: 2014, pp. 26-37. (H)

 Ladino instructions in Meza de el alma and in Seder Nashin from Thessaloniki in the sixteenth century. Around the Point: Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture (ed. by Hillel Weiss, Roman Katsman, Ber Kotlerman), Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014, pp. 121-134.

Linguistic variations in early Ladino translations. Journal of Jewish Languages 2: 2014, pp. 1-48.

The Hebrew Component in two Ladino Books of the Same Author. Nit'e Ilan: Studies in Hebrew and Related Fields Presented to Ilan Eldar (eds. Moshe Bar-Asher and Irit Meir). Jerusalem: Carmel, pp. 399-416. (H)

Hebrew hinne, wǝhinne and hen in the Ladino and medieval Spanish Bible translations of Genesis. Karmillim [HaIvrit Weaḥyoteha] 10: 2014, pp. 113-131. (H)

Personal Names, Toponyms, and Gentilic Nouns in Ladino and Spanish Translations of the Bible. El Presente 8-9(3) (Dameta leTamar: Studies in Honor of Tamar Alexander; Mikan 15(3)): 2015, pp. 209-228. (Hebrew lecture

On two derivational phenomena in Judeo-Spanish. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics ( 12 (3) (A Festschrift for Pavol Štekauer), pp. 488-506.

The Halakhic Language in Two Ladino Books from the 16th Century. Massorot 18: 2016, pp. 153-191. (H)

Spanish, Astur-Leonese, Navarro-Aragonese, Judeo-Spanish. The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages (eds. Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden). Oxford: University Press 2016, pp. 382-410 (with Donald N. Tuten and Enrique Pato).

Ladino Versions of Quién supiense (Eḥad Mi Yodea). Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas 16: 2017, pp. 77-99.

The Status of 16th Century Jewish Women in the Ottoman Empire According to Seder Nashim and Shulḥan Hapanim in Ladino. Women in Judaism 14(1): 2017.

Two Ladino Women's Prayer Books from the 16th Centuries. Accepted for publication, Dahan Center. (H)

 Ladino Translations from Italy: The Bible, Pirke Avot, the Passover Haggada, and the Siddur. The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Spread of Jewish Heritage (temporary name), Bologne (to appear).

Nominal sentences and pronominal copula in Ladino and early Bible translations. Submitted for publication in Ephraim Hazan Jubilee Book (ed. by Shmuel Refael and Judith Dishon).

The Ladino Haggadoth in the Ottoman Empire. To appear in Dahan Centre (Proceedings of the Conference on Jews in the Ottoman Empire) (H)

Thessaloniki 1568 and Venice 1713: Language Differences in Two Ladino Books. Actas del xviii congreso de estudios sefardíes (editado por Elena Romero, Hilary Pomeroy y Shmuel Refael). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid 2017, pp, 289-305.

Judeo-Spanish throughout the Sephardic Diaspora. Languages in Jewish Communities, Past and Present (eds. Benjamin Hary and Sarah Bunin Benor). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton 2018, pp. 145-184.

Unknown sources of Ladino instructions in a prayer book for Jewish Women. Caminos de leche y miel: Jubilee Volume in honor of Michael Studemind-Halévy: Vol. II: Language and Literature (eds. David M. Bunis, Ivana Vučina Simović and Corrina Deppner). Barcelona: Tirocinio 2018, pp. 154-168.

Nominal sentences and pronominal copula in Ladino and early Spanish Bible translations. Revavot LeEphraim: Studies in Hebrew Literature dedicated to Ephraim Hazan's Jubilee Book (eds. Revital Yefet Vivante and Shmuel Refael Vivante), Jerusalem: Carmel 2018, pp. 361-385. (H)

Jewish Languages: Language and Society. Pe'amim 156: 2018, pp. 23-54. (H)

The Seattle Ladino Haggadah. Massorot 19-20: 2019, pp. 265-288. (H)

Coṃpendio delas šeḥiṭót (Constantinople ca. 1510): The First Judeo-Spanish Printed Publication. Journal of Jewish Languages 7(1): 2019, pp. 27-52. (with Dov Cohen)

Ladino Translations from Italy: The Bible, Pirke Avot, the Passover Haggada, and the Siddur. The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Diffusion of Jewish Heritage (eds. Yaron Harel and Mauro Perani), Academic Studies Press, Boston 2019, pp. 169-187

El descubrimiento de la primera traducción impresa en ladino de Pirqué Abot (Salónica, hacia 1570). Sefarad  80(1): 2020, pp. 117-136 (con Dov Cohen).

The Factors Regulating the Use of the Hebrew-Aramaic Component in Judeo-Spanish. Journal of Jewish Languages 8: 2020, pp. 158-188.

The Hebrew Root ˀ-m-n and its Derivatives hɛˀěmīn  and nɛˀĕman in both Medieval Spanish and Ladino Translations of the Bible. Meldar: Revista internacional de estudios sefardíes 1: 2020, pp. 9-30.

Palabras de la presidenta de la Akademia Nasionala del Ladino (9.12.2020) (en Ebreo y en Ladino). La Inogurasion de la Akademia Nasionala del Ladino en Israel, Tel Aviv 2021, pp. 4-7,  24-27.

Introduksion a las reglas de la ortografia en Ladino en letras ebreas. Las Ortografías del Ladino (Redactora: Ora R. Schwarzwald), Nahalieli, Tel Aviv 2021, pp. 7*-13* (Heb versión, pp. 7-11).

Ladino Haggadot and an Unknown Prayer in a Haggadah from Sofia. Ladinar 12: 2021, pp. 125-144. 

Ladino in Cyrillic Letters: The Uniqueness of the Haggadah from Sofia. Massorot 21-22: 2022, pp. 289-310 (H)

Laws of Slaughter, Constantinople 1510 (Hilkhot Shehita in Ladino). Ginze Qedem 18: 2022, pp. 15-34. (H)

The Puzzle of Rabbinic Identification at the End of Chapter Five in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Avot. Meldar: Revista internacional de estudios sefardíes 3: 2022, pp. 137-146. (with Dov Cohen),

Two Ladino Women's Prayer Books from the 16th Centuries. Creativity and Traditions in Spain (editors Moshe Halamish and Ora Schwarzwald). Idra Press, Tel Aviv 2023, pp. 282-305 (with). (H)

Spanish and Ladino Versions of The Song of Songs. Meldar: Revista nternacional de estudios sefardíes, 4: 2023, pp. 71-89.

El judeoespañol en general y en Israel en particular y la academia de judeoespañol. Ora R. Schwarzwald - La universalidad del español. Encuentros y contactos lingüisticos - Paneles y ponencias - Cádiz 2023 - IX Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (

Traces of Ladino Haggadot in the Ottoman Empire. Jews in the Ottoman Empire (editors Shaul Regev & Yaakov Shmuel Spiegel). Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University 2024, pp. 25-36. (H)

