About The GIMP

The GIMP is a free software raster graphics editor. It name is an acronym for The GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is my first choice in graphic editors.It was developed for the Linux OS but there is now a version for Windows. So now you can enjoy The Gimp in your Windows OS.With it, you can do all kinds of photo manipulation special effects, like removing wrinkles, creating light sabers, changing the color of someone's hair, brightening teeth, etc.

A good online book to read for the GIMP is Grokking the GIMP. Since sites that had hosted this book has come and gone over time I am linking to Grokking the GIMP archived on the Internet Archive, a non-profit, dedicated to building a digital library of Internet sites (including defunt sites) and other cultural artifacts in digital form. The book is released under the Open Publication License. You can download a zipped HTML version of the book here.

Some Features

  • Support for layers, channels and transparency in layers and images.

  • It's native format XCF is designed to store an image including all features specific to GIMP such as layers, channels and vectors; XCF is named after the eXperimental Computing Facility where GIMP was authored.

  • Supports a large number of formats such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF.

  • Since the GIMP Version 2.8, it provides single window where you can toggle between the default multi-window mode and the new single-window mode. This is a boon to those who was never comfortable with multiple windows floating around.

NOTE: I recommend using the GIMP's single window mode before downloading the GIMPshop, a single window fork of the GIMP by a third party.

If you are considering the GIMPshop first read the following: Read About GIMPshop

You can learn more about the GIMP at:

You can download your free copy (including Windows users) at:The Official GIMP Download Site

NOTICE: You should only download your copy of the GIMP from the official site for Gimp. For reasons why see:

Last Updated January 13, 2020