Organ - Prum St. Salvator

Already in the 15th century under Abbot Robert of Virneburg (1476-1513) there was an organ in the monastery church Prüm. The Visitation Report of 1574 states that the organ had become unusable. Not until 1782 through urgent requests of the Prüm Convention was a decree issued by Klemenz Wenceslaus, the last elector of Trier (1768-1794), to build a new organ. The contract was awarded to the organ builder Johann Bernhard Nollet from Orval in Belgium, who was living at the time in Trier St. Maximin.

The work had two keyboards and 25 stops. The organ case was designed by the court architect kurtrierische John Seitz.  During the French invasion in 1794, the pipes were torn out and melted down. It was not until 1863 that they could be restored.  The organ also suffered greatly during both world ward.  In 1971 the organ was renewed from parts of the old organ. 

In both world wars, the organ has suffered. So it was decided in 1971 to renew the organ from a few parts from the old organ. The Seitz housing was also restored and the new organ was inaugurated on April 15, 1973.