3-Nollet, Roman Benedict 1710

Personal History Highlights:

21 February 1710: Birth in Grund St. Jean, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

21 February 1710: Christened in the parish of St. Jean, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. 

26 December 1760:  

This day of December 26th, 1760 appeared at the registry Benoit Romain Nollet, organ builder currently residing in Boulay who declared that having finished the work of the repairs of the organ of the parish of this city and even beyond what is included in the contact herein for assurance of the goodness of his work, he freely and voluntarily undertakes to remain the guarantor of the said work for the space of three years to begin today. To the effect of which he has made it subject to the present and signed at St. Avold on the said day. 

Signed Romanus Benedictus de [sic] Nollet.

Source: Inventaire National des Orgues. Orgues de Lorraine, Moselle,  Sch a Z  (Association d'Etude pour la Coordination des Activites Regionales Musicales, 1999) Pages 2493-2494

13 March 1779: Death in Trier, Rheinland, Prussia, Germany

Fugue: Organ in Metz - Notre Dame

Metz St. Martin built by Nollet.

St.Paulin Trier. Tour of the church on U-tube

Concert on the organ in St. Paulin Trier: Lemmens concert

St. Paulin. Description of organ.


St. Antonius Trier http://www.roscheiderhof.de/kulturdb/client/einObjekt.php?id=6408

Prum Sankt Salvator http://www.roscheiderhof.de/kulturdb/client/einObjekt.php?id=2791

Irsch http://www.roscheiderhof.de/kulturdb/client/einObjekt.php?id=2810

See this Link for organ pictures: https://www.trierer-orgelpunkt.de/orgelbauer/nollet